FPB 78-1 Cochise: Electronics Peek

FPB 781 Cochise Electronics Peek 3

Deon Ogden and Dave Minors at the Matrix con of FPB 78-1.

Considering we have only been in the water a week, things are going well. The stabilizers are now working, plumbing is checked off except for one item, and the electricians are within a few days of wrapping.

We got off the dock this evening to test stabilizers, check electronics, and have a look at vibration in the port engine Cardan joint.

FPB 781 Cochise Electronics Peek 4

The Simrad electronics package seems relatively easy to use, and on first look the forward looking SONAR does surprisingly well. We are using a 32” high def Samsung monitor, and it is doing the job. We will cover electronics in more detail when we have had a few days of experience.

FPB 781 Cochise Electronics Peek

Posted by Steve Dashew  (June 18, 2016)

4 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Cochise: Electronics Peek”

  1. Pam Wall Says:

    Looking Fantastic! Really love your posts, thank you Skip!

  2. Shannon Woodcock Says:

    Good to hear the shakedown is proceeding positively.

    Loving the pictures.

  3. Donald Joyce Says:

    So what is the yellow dinghy?

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Donald:
    The yellow dink is a 16 foot AB aluminum bottom RIB.