FPB 78-1 Cochise: Our Dream Machine and the Conundrum of Where-To

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FPB 78-1 Cochise presents us with a conundrum to which there is no easy answer.

It is a question we have struggled with before, but never in the same manner. The issue at hand is one which will soon require a decision that we have never found easy, and is now more difficult to answer than ever before. Part of the problem stems from Cochise, and the impact of our Dream Machine’s speed, comfort at sea, coupled with the ability for us to have crew aboard with minimal invasion of personal space. Although we are used to being comfortable, and going long distances, Cochise has taken this to a new level, and we need to adjust our thinking accordingly. We had a sense of this potential in the design phase, but theory and reality can be very different. The easy manner in which Cochise delivered us from Fiji in the western South Pacific, to Florida, the majority of which was against prevailing wind and current, brings with it the temptation of making almost any destination possible.

We could spend the next six months gunk-holing to Maine and back. A quick trip to Bermuda to check out the workup to the America’s Cup might be fun. Or we could have another look at Greenland. Think that sounds far? If we do go to Bermuda, then return to Newport to catch up with friends, we are a little over a week from the Prince Christian Channels in S. Greenland. Newport to say Camden, Maine is barely an overnighter. Maine to Lunenberg, Nova Scotia another short hop. Three days sees us in Red Bay, Labrador (is that wonderful Caribou stew still on the menu at the local eatery?).

Weather permitting, three more days and we are in Greenland.

Which raises a new set of issues. Where do we then return? We’d love to winter in the Bahamas. On the other hand, Kinsale, Ireland is a five day trip. A couple more sea days and we are in Lymington, UK and ready to haul and store at Berthon. This in turn makes a second trip to Svalbard simple.

The Bahamas or Svalbard, that is the question.

And we have no idea yet where we are going, but just in case charts and guides are on hand for both directions…

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 4, 2017)

20 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Cochise: Our Dream Machine and the Conundrum of Where-To”

  1. Shannon(TheShaz) Says:

    Of all the problems to have, this is a good problem.

    Flip a coin, darts and a wall map… Just suggestions.

  2. Richard Boote Says:

    How about… Greenland and across to the UK.. Scotland, then down the East Coast to Lands End. Take in the Isles of Scilly and on to the Med.

  3. PJ Says:

    Where I come from that’s called rubbing it in:) Nonetheless, point taken, life is short and often beset with desirable, conflicting options. Why not go to the Arctic for the summer where you love it best, and later in the year/early new year consider being the first FPB to earn the distinction of rounding the horn….and continue on for a visit to Antartica.
    Sounds like a potentially astounding trip.

  4. Bob N Says:

    Decisions, decisions. This is me feeling sorry for you. Would you like to see it again?

  5. Steve B Says:

    Nice problem. The payoff for all the hard work.

  6. Gene Says:

    I believe the idiom you are looking for is, “an embarrassment of riches”. Cochise is like a pub with a hundred different beers on tap…and 50 different kinds of bacon =)

  7. Scott Paulson Says:

    That’s my kind of conundrum!I was in Ft. Lauderdale last week and had the very pleasurable view from my hotel window of Cochise docked nearby. The beast peacefully asleep. That same day I also had the pleasure of inspecting a Sundeer 56 that’s for sale. Thank you Steve and Linda for building these magnificent vessels for our enjoyment. See you in Norway!


  8. CJ Says:

    If it were my boat….. Patagonia, Falklands, South Georgia, South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula. Let me know if you need a deckhand.

  9. M Martin Says:

    Have you ever considered the Great Lakes?


  10. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Marvin:
    The Great Lakes would make an interesting cruise at some point, but probably better done in something a little smaller than Cochise.

  11. M Martin Says:

    I don’t know, we do run 500 – 1000′ ore freighters around up here. 🙂

  12. Dave Kolody Says:

    In addition to the Seaway, Cochise could probably do the Trent Severn canal. Tight quarters, but the reward of cruising Georgian Bay would be well worth it. Most of the locks are 120′ x 32′, with the exception of Port Severn, officially spec’d at 84′ x 23′. The reality is a bit more and at a diagonal Cochise would fit. You’d definitely want to talk with the lock master before embarking this route though. The 22′ air draft is possibly a bit too close for comfort.

    I’d definitely come out to see Cochise on the Big Chute marine railway!

    In honour of Canada’s 150th anniversary there are no lockage fees this year for the Rideau and Trent Severn. The Rideau canal is also an option too. If the Kawartha Voyageur can manage, surely the more nimble Cochise can too. Love to see you here, and some bipedal ballast could be arranged to help with the bridge clearance.

  13. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Dave:
    We need more like 27 feet to clear antennae, or we could rotate them down. But even with the additional sinkage that comes with fresh water, 22′ is too tight.

  14. Jono Frankfort Says:

    The most important decision to make is Decision Date. The hardest decision to make is ALWAYS when to decide. After that, flip a coin, draw straws or whatever method you select, then proceed accordingly. It is not as if you do not know how to plan your selected voyage, you just need to decide on which voyage. Problems, problems, problems. We should all be blessed with such problems.

  15. Daniel Genest Says:

    The tall ships are coming to Québec city, that could be fun, the St Laurence river, the Saguenay fiord and a touch of maple sirop on top. Have a great trip.

  16. bill henry Says:

    from Maine continue N for E to W transfers of NW Passage!?
    Sue and I will put you up in Anacortes after heading S from Alaska or could meet you in Latuya Bay with SARAH-SARAH.

  17. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Bill:
    Not sure we have the nerve to venture into Latuya given the fact that its history is the type that repeats itself! How about a lunch date in Cordova? Problem is, there are so many other places to explore as well.

  18. Steve Dunbar Says:

    Interesting times up North. http://www.nationalpost.com/m/wp/news/world/blog.html?b=news.nationalpost.com/news/world/a-very-unusual-year-hundreds-of-icebergs-drift-into-north-atlantic-shipping-lanes-near-newfoundland

    It would be interesting to check them out. Might want to sort out you Radar issues first though.

    Enjoy the trip wherever it takes you.

  19. Gene Says:

    Any updates soon on 782 and/or 701?

  20. Steve Dashew Says:

    Soon, catching up in the next few days.