FPB 78-1 Cochise: Ready To Roll

We’ve been out testing Cochise, checking out the many modifications executed for us by Corey and Angela McMahon’s Triton Marine team. There is lots to bring you up to date on…

…and we will be posting regularly on SetSail now that we are afloat again.

Notice anything different in the profile view of Cochise?

The weather has been varied and spectacular, with sufficient force to give us a good test.

Stunning sunrises and sundowns are routine, of course…

…And when the day begins with views like these it makes our hearts sing.

There has even been a bit of lightning to liven things up.

We are on our umpteenth iteration of the revised Matrix deck. The final console design is above. We now have fingertip control of the four monitors when seated on watch.

Our night vision and the ability to operate in sub-optimal weather is greatly enhanced by the new layout.

Stay tuned–there is lots more to show you in the coming days.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (June 14, 2018)

12 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Cochise: Ready To Roll”

  1. Scotto Says:

    looks great!

    and i’m heading bush for a couple of months camping in the Kimberley Ranges.
    so, I should have heaps of updates to catch up on whenever I get back into areas of reception.
    very envious.


  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Watch out for the salties!

  3. Kathy Powell Says:

    Hey, Steve and Linda!

    Congrats for you both on your retirement and being off cruising again!
    I’m delighted for you, but very sad for all the rest of us.

    I’ve followed your website (inconsistently) through the years and appreciate all the useful information, humor, and wonderful photography!
    When I’ve been nowhere near water or a boat, you’ve kept me sane!

    I believe an old article about the PFB 64 stated that you made a half-scale model of her. Would you ever consider selling the plans for her? It’s doubtful I’ll ever get her built, but a gal can dream, and I don’t need (and cannot afford) a PFB 64. However, I’m getting older, and if I build a boat in my future, it makes sense to build a PFB instead of a sailboat.

    Take care and Godspeed!

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Kathy:
    Thanks for the comments. Sorry but we do not sell plans.

  5. marcus Says:

    looks like you may have taken up pole-dancing on the bow

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Marcus:
    More like piling dancing.

  7. Colin Whittaker Says:

    The HF antenna and the Satellite dish on the starboard rear corner are the obvious changes

  8. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Colin:
    Installed the Sat TV for basketball season. Longwire SSB antenna is original.

  9. Hunter Says:

    I don’t remember seeing a ladder from the Matrix deck down the starboard side of the boat before?

  10. Steve Dashew Says:

    Morning Hunter:
    The ladder was new last year. We use it on high commercial wharves.

  11. Michael Riley Says:

    Hi Steve. Regarding the profile. Is there a new mast up by the radar?

    All the best.


  12. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Michael:
    There is a light mast for the anchor and steaming lights. However, this was new last year.