FPB 78-1 Passage Update: Palmerston Interlude


Imagine a tropical island with lovely beaches, set in a turquoise lagoon, with windswept palms bending to the trade winds. Then think of the barrier reef, a vertical wall, with a 50-meter face. The anchorage is a shallow patch–10 to 15 meters deep–on this face, with the reef a boat length from the stern.

That’s Palmerston in the northern Cook Islands, where 57 descendants from William Marsters eke out a living.

We’ve anchored for a few hours to have a swim, check the engine room, and take a couple of photos. The anchoring situation is a little touchy. So we will be on our way by evening…

…Two hours later and everything checks out in the engine space. We have adjusted the books slightly, there is a wash going in the laundry room, and we are preparing to exit while we still have good light. We will retrace our inbound track, just in case.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 14, 2016)

3 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Passage Update: Palmerston Interlude”

  1. Carlos V. Sucre Says:

    Beautiful place and shot. If I may ask why in such a protected lagoon and very well equipped boat is the anchoring touchy? Enjoying all your posts very much

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Carlos:
    The reef face is vertical several hundred meters deep. There is a slight shelf, about 20 meters deep, with the stern just out of the surf line, when it is calm.

  3. Carlos V. Sucre Says:

    Thanks Steve