FPB 78 Progress: Lifelines And Upholstery – The End Is Near

Engineering 844

When you have lifelines, glass…

Interior 871

…and soft goods going in, you know the end is near. Looking here at the sill boards and ventilation grill for the outboard side of the freezer and fridge.

Interior 919

Headliner panels, mullion caps, sill boards, all are completed and awaiting their turn aboard in the next week.

IMG 0601
Add in electronics almost completed, and you are down to a last few weeks.

Interior 897

The last of the countertops patiently await their date aboard.

Electrical 262

Even the electricians (AKA Sparkies) are closing in on the end. This is the forward mast, with just a few connections left.

Electrical 261

The forward bulkhead of the starboard coat locker acts as a mounting and connection area for the antennae above, as well as several black boxes. Antennae connections are made here, where they are easily disconnected and grounded when worried about lightning strikes.

Electrical 265

The antennae loom runs up the back corner of the mast. It will be covered for aesthetics and UV protection.

Electrical 259

The fridge compressors will be tested early. The fan-cooled condensers are for use when hauled out, or if the water pump has quit functioning.

Interior 874

We will close this week with the return air grill for the air conditioning evaporators in the great room.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 30, 2016)

7 Responses to “FPB 78 Progress: Lifelines And Upholstery – The End Is Near”

  1. PJ Says:

    Like the patient youth having endlessly dreamed and stared at the marvelous red bike in the big shop window, now soon to be yours for the ride. That’s the meaning of life, right there.

  2. Shannon Woodcock Says:

    What is the width between the safety rail and the windows of the great room?

    And the wide white thing on I assume was the forward mast…LED flood lights?

    It’s all coming together and looks great. I am amazed at the level of detail. What is the latest estimate on 78-1 getting her keel wet?

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Shannon:
    The width of the side deck varies depending on the height at which it is measured. While it looks tight in the photos it is actually quite comfortable. Those are LED light bars made by Rigid Industries. There are four, two aimed about 200 meters in front of the boat and two aimed close in to the bow. We expect to launch early June.

  4. Chris Says:

    Is that a Simrad autopilot?

  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Chris:
    Yes, an AP80 Simrad pilot.

  6. sean bryant Says:

    Hi Steve,

    Why not run air cooled condensers all the time instead of sw cooled condensers which will require cleaning.


  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Sean:
    The air cooled condensers are less efficient than the water cooled and so require significantly more electrical power.