FPB 78 Video: Quiet-As Cochise


The already quiet FPB 78 is now almost silent in powerboat terms, with some exhaust system refinements. As we continue to fine-tune, the boat will get even quieter. Take a look at the short video below, shot on an iPhone as we were powering up to Whangeroa last night.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (August 5, 2016)

2 Responses to “FPB 78 Video: Quiet-As Cochise”

  1. Jono frankfort Says:

    Hi Steve,
    This question comes from your previous post’s great room pictures. I am curious as to your thought process for choosing a glass top, non fiddled, table with corners that look like they would really hurt upon serious impact. I didn’t see any handy grab rails in the immediate vicinity of the table.
    Best regards, Jono

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    There are staple rails, overhead man lines, and nearby grab rails. Tables are a compromise and this allows you to slide in, and eat comfortably. Works for us…so far.