FPB In The News: All The Reasons We Cruise


Stan & Valerie Creighton have a lovely article in the latest edition of Berthon Magazine

Read about their unique Vanuatu cruising experience below.

[gview file=”https://setsail.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/berthon_creightonpiece.pdf”]

FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel is now for sale, as the Creightons await delivery of their FPB 70. For more information on Buffalo Nickel, contact Sue Grant at Sue.Grant@Berthon.co.uk.

Posted by Sarah.Dashew  (September 13, 2016)

One Response to “FPB In The News: All The Reasons We Cruise”

  1. Passerby Says:

    They Roam.

    The BuffaloNickel blog is a trove. Well worth the time spent reading it. Great material from maintenance, seamanship, and travel.

    Now if the builder would hurry up and get them their next, bigger FPB …