Hurricane Sandy – Live Data From Wind Horse Using Maretron’s N2K View

We’ve put together a live web view of Wind Horse‘s “vital stats”, to track how she is doing as Hurricane Sandy passes by while she is hauled out at Triton Marine in Beaufort, North Carolina. This data comes from the Maretron N2K View system via their Cloud Server.

This view of the data will refresh every 30 seconds.

Note:the yard has lost power and we have lost the internet connection, so the data will no longer update. However, conditions are relatively mild, breeze in the 50 knot range in gusts, with rain forecast now at five inches (120mm) which is half of the previous prognosis.


Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 26, 2012)

2 Responses to “Hurricane Sandy – Live Data From Wind Horse Using Maretron’s N2K View”

  1. Alex F Says:

    Hi Steve, Linda
    Just hope Windhorse went through Sandy unharmed !

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    No problems, thanks. A bit of breeze, maybe 55/60 knots tops, a little rain. Otherwise nothing major.