Let The Good Times Roll: The Maine Event and Unstructured Cruising

Some of our cruising buddies, and most of our land-based friends and relatives, lead structured lives where they have a schedule and a plan. We prefer to go with the flow–letting happenstance dictate our options. 

An example of how this is supposed to work occurred this past week. We had stopped in Rockland, Maine so Cory McMahon, who had made the trip North with us, could return home.  

After a long shower and lovely bath, the remaining crew of FPB 781 Cochise decided to do a little land exploring. Arrival at Rockland’s capacious dinghy dock brought us into contact with three couples, long term friends all, who were there for the annual Rockland Blues Festival.

Blues, rock and roll, dancing, sin and corruption…now you’re talking our language. 

Without a schedule to drive us away we immediately put on our dancing shoes! Rockland was indeed rocking. There was a stage set up in the park adjacent the town landing, and concert goers had a view of the yachts anchored for a backdrop. 

Saturday evening and Main Street was closed to vehicular traffic. There were bands on every block. 

The beat was sufficiently enticing that your correspondents were moved to shake their tail feathers, much to the amazement of nearby rockers, who had been thinking we just escaped from the old folks’ home….

Little did they know that our motto is ROCK AND ROLL FOREVER. 

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 21, 2018)

8 Responses to “Let The Good Times Roll: The Maine Event and Unstructured Cruising”

  1. Henry Rech Says:

    Nice to see you letting the good times roll.

    However, I am few years younger than you both and almost ashamed to say I prefer something a little more sedate and if any motion is involved it’s all in my imagination, while locked cosily into an armchair.


    Drift away….drift away…….

  2. Scott Evangelista Says:

    Hey Steve,
    A long time coming but I just bought Sarah Sarah from Bill and Sue. I look forward to taking delivery on Wednesday this week. I hope your travels are wonderful and safe.

    Best to you and Linda

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Congratulations Scott and welcome to the family.

  4. James Masters Says:


  5. Judith jones Says:

    We are in Pulpit Harbor ME…..you are anchored ….close by…we took a ball during this ME blow.
    We just found your blogs…enjoying reading about your life and adventures. My husband is well familiar with your history and boat building…he has been a long time admirer….what a thrill for him to see you anchored in Pulpit Harbor…
    We do our small part in enjoying cruising in our Nordic Tug…..Sir Tugley Blue.

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello Judith and David:
    Sorry we missed you – we are a bit late catching up on mail. If you see us around we would be happy to show you Cochise.

  7. John Poparad Says:

    Rabbit chasing time.

    I recall sometime ago that you were unhappy with the hull pitching the Wind Horse demonistrated in the English Channel during a magazine review by a British yachting magazine. I think you asked the magazine to provide you with photos the magazine had taken during the cruise for your analysis?

    Are you happier with the 70 and 78 under the same conditions?

    My recollection was that the magazine was very impressed with the FBP concept and execution.

  8. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi John:
    We thought Wind Horse an amazingly comfortable ride uphill. We originally were going to fall off a bit uphill, may a small distance penalty for better ride. We ended up taking upwind passages right on the nose. Quicker and way more comfortable tan we were used to under sail. That said, it changed our outlook, we became soft, and desirous of smoother rides heading into the wind. That drove the 64 design and the 78. Cochise is amazingly comfy uphill or we would have never done the Fiji Panama passage. Compared to Wind Horse Cochise is in a world of its own.