Loading Speed Test – Feedback Requested Please

Fpb composite 1

We’ve had the dubious honor of being asked to leave our shared internet server. Turns out we were “hogging” something like 95% of the bandwidth. As a result, we now have a dedicated server and a series of other “tweaks”, which Google Analytics tells us has cut the download times in half for SetSail visitors. So, we thought we’d try a test and increase the size of the art in a post and get your feedback.

Wicked FPB 97 Great Room Plan 14

(We’ve now heard from visitors around the world in a very positive context. If you are having problems, or the speed is too slow, please drops us a line as we’d like to know the bad with the good. Also, we’d be grateful for feedback from Ipad and other compact devise users.)

For this test we’ve selected a few of the FPB 97 renderings. These images are all 1000 pixels wide, which by internet standards is considered over-sized.

Wicked FPB 97 Underbody 11

We would not use these huge images on all  posts, just those that we thought really required the extra size to convey the message.

FPB97 Sole Test 10A Edit

So, what do you think? Worth the wait?

FPB 971B a006

We’ll add a couple of “normal” (for us) sized images for comparison purposes.

FPB 971B a006


FPB 971B a005


FPB 971B a005


FPB 97 Hauraki GULF 10


FPB 97 Hauraki GULF 10

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 5, 2012)

43 Responses to “Loading Speed Test – Feedback Requested Please”

  1. JR Says:

    Loaded in about 1.25 sec., i’m using comcast cable in Houston area, performance varies widely, i also use a 22″ monitor so big is good for me, and i always zoom to increase text size .

  2. Alain M Says:

    Hi Steve,
    The download time is far better that before, even for me who the location is in South China actually… 1000 pixels wide picture could be your new standard without problem in my eyes… Let’s wait what others people from other location will say about it!!!

  3. Steve Cowart Says:

    Wow, incredibly fast… This is a HUGE improvement.


  4. Reinhard Dieckhoff Says:

    Hi Steve and Linda,

    Great boat, marvellous pics! Were available in a blink. I think the Google analytics were right.

    Regards, Reinhard Dieckhoff

  5. Ken Kiddie Says:

    Works for us.

  6. Don Joyce Says:

    much faster!

  7. Gene LeBeau Says:

    Much faster —– it flies now! By the way, the redesign of the swim platform looks good and I like where you positioned the day head..

  8. Steve Grant Says:

    Hi Steve, a huge improvement – very snappy loading (Sunday morning here in New Zealand). Thanks! Regards, Steve.

  9. Warren Cottis Says:

    Lightning fast… I guess videos will be faster too?

    regards, Warren

  10. Greg Says:

    Love the larger size.

  11. Bob N Says:

    Yep, triffic.

  12. Jim Rogers Says:

    PERFECT! At 1000, any and all images posted become “screensaver size”. A wonderful change!

  13. Bob Owens Says:

    Faster, prettier, sorry I didn’t answer faster, I was buying another lottery ticket.

  14. Paul Says:


  15. Howard Eckles Says:

    Great pictures. I have a wide format screen and I have never noticed a delay in loading your pictures, sometimes the slide show is slow but usually most others are slow at the same time. I look to seeing your pictures, it makes my day. Thanks for your site.

  16. Nathan Says:

    No problem with loading speed. The larger photo size is great – the bigger the better!

  17. Ward Says:

    The big pictures downloaded in a flash, and every page I looked at on the site seemed to load faster. For example, the FPB64 Intro page has many pictures and seemed to come up much faster than a couple days ago.

  18. Michael Riley Says:

    Huge difference

  19. rattus Says:

    BIgger pics, faster downloads all good. Although the larger images make the fake boat/real sea pics fall further into the Uncanny Valley 😉


  20. Carlos V Sucre Says:

    Nice pics. much faster . In Venezuela.

  21. Jim Norman Says:

    No wait at, almost immediate.

  22. Pontus Ekman Says:

    Excellent improvement viewed from Stockholm! And please, liberally use 1000 pixel standard.

  23. Alain Chevrot Says:

    work wonderful here !

  24. Tom Honan Says:

    Good Day Linda and Steve,

    Always a fan of the largest possible images on blogs, especially of boats and such.
    Your photos say so much more, excellent work, a beautiful concept, the data comes down much faster and they do fit even on my little net-book. Regards Tom

  25. Scott Evangelista Says:

    Much faster much better resolution and detail with pictures

  26. John Says:

    Works great here. We’re on an optical cable so speed at the physical connect level isn’t a problem. Some dial up folks maybe in trouble.

  27. Bill Says:

    Very nice! Big improvement…..In another vein, I take issue with the radiused corners on the settees. My experience finds people like to put their back into a corner, bring the feet up, and snuggle up with a book. Not so easy when the backrest has a radius. Hard corners are not so stylish but seem to work better for some things.


  28. Steve Dashew Says:

    The key here is your angle to the back and what your feet are on. If you put your feet up on the couch, then use in many positions it is not as supportive of your back. But, if you have a foot stool (or stools) or a low table, and are sitting squared up with the back, then these work fine. It is all a trade off, as with everything else on the boat.

  29. Paul c Says:

    Iphone 4S on Australian Testra 3G network. Fast and they look awesome. Keep it up!

  30. Mike Turgeon Says:

    Super fast and WOW, those pics really pop now.

  31. John Says:

    Yup. It works very, very quickly. More importantly the larger image size really make a huge difference in presentation effectiveness.

  32. JKH Says:

    Great improvement! Keep up the high res pictures.

    Best regards from Norway 🙂

  33. Dario Says:

    Hi Steve

    Really fast much better than before. from Spain.

    Our lines are not the fastest at all.

    But the page loaded very fast.

    Best Regards


  34. Alex F Says:

    Just downloaded using an iPad 2 and a lousy 3G connection in Mexico … 11seconds. Not bad at all. Congrats !!!

  35. Steve Dashew Says:

    Now I am impressed! Perhaps this expensive server business is worth the investment.

  36. tony long Says:

    Loaded faster than normal on my laptop with a cable internet connection and loaded instantly on both my Samsung galaxy and Samsung tablet with 3G connections. As far as I am concerned make all your pictures this size and thank you for all the great work and information on you site.

  37. Patrick S Lasswell Says:

    It is certainly nice to see that pretty boat bigger. I did not time the images, but it was like lightning.

    I endorse previous statements regarding lottery investment schema. I really wish there were better prospects, maybe in six months.

  38. Simon Says:

    Bigger AND faster! You keep doing what others think is impossible.
    Thanks and regards from Switzerland.

  39. Steve B Says:

    Almost instantaneous on the iMac, about 3 sec on the Toshiba laptop and about 4.5 sec on the iPad.
    Much quicker than before and oh, so pretty. Adelaide, South Australia.

  40. John Ozechowski Says:

    Loaded so fast that the entire thread was doen loading before I was able to read what the thread was about.

    As for the larger pictures? Go big or go home has always been my take on it. Very easy to see details now that were questionable before.

    Thank You!!

  41. quoc Says:

    Loads in 1 second from an adsl2+ link in Paris which I have FTP tested to 10-12mbps on its best day, quite fast but not as fast as my fios in the US.

  42. Kelly Carter Says:

    Thanks Steve and Linda,
    with failing eyeesight the the larger images are wonderful, so much easier to see the finer details.
    love the boats and Circa’s attention to detail.
    regards from Brisbane, Down Under.

    Thank you,

  43. David M. Says:

    Fast download, love the larger pictures of this great boat. Can’t wait to see some of your landscape and nature pictures in this larger format.