Meanwhile, Back In The Sonoran Desert

Welcome Spring 104

Being without a boat to think, dream, and plan about is a condition we try to avoid. But since this is the current state of affairs, we’ve been hard at work on all things FPB, to the extent that there has been little time for anything else. But occasionally we look up from the computer monitors and see something that diverts our attention, like snow capped mountains.

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Then there is the back yard, and the visitors we so love to watch.

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A few days ago there was a multi-species truce as a contingent of locals watched the sun arrive. Note the sparrow hawks, cardinal and three other avians all sharing the same territory. Perhaps there is a lesson for homo sapiens here?

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The male cardinals are in full throat now, sending their lovely message out to the fairer sex.

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We are even happy to see the local bullies.

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These ravens are noisy, mean spirited, but no match for the smaller sparrow hawks, with whom battle is often engaged.

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On occasion the sunsets are worth stopping work to observe.

Welcome Spring 101

The atmosphere is for the most part clear, with heavenly bodies beautifully arrayed above.

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If a front has just passed, the detail can be extreme.

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There are roadrunners in the back yard,

Welcome Spring 110

along with hawks, and they are all welcome to reflect on the meaning of life in the desert.

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The red tails circle above, but occasionally will dive down for a snack, showing off their beautifully patterned wings.

Welcome Spring 113

In the late afternoon sun, even the ravens look good.

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What we love most, however, are the songs of these visitors.

Welcome Spring 116

All of which is a diversion from our true passion, in which we are fully engaged. The computers are whirring full tilt these days.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 17, 2013)

7 Responses to “Meanwhile, Back In The Sonoran Desert”

  1. Nic M. Says:

    The shots of your visitors are marvelous. I always appreciate how you are able to capture the landscape and its habitants. By the way, when will we be seeing more of Tiger, #5?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks. Those visitors make life on land bearable. We need to catch u, and then we’ll post some more photos of Tiger.

  3. Tom Tripp Says:

    Steve — The photography is, as always, stunning. Can you share some details of your favorite equipment for these shots. Obviously, there are some high-quality lenses involved. Some of us more amateur photographers would love to know!!

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    You can get really lovely results in good conditions with very basic gear. But for difficult photographic situations, including birds in flight, high end gear can be helpful. However, this entails familiarity, which means lot and lots of shooting. The photos just posted were done with a Canon 1DX body, using a 600mm F4 lens hand held for the birds in flight. The snow capped mountains, resting birds, and moon shots were the 600 with a Mk 111 doubler. These were shot with remote trigger, using a Wimberly head, with 20 pounds of lead hanging on the tripod for added stability. All of this as a form of practice, so when really good opportunities arise we are hopefully up to the task.

  5. Tom Tripp Says:

    So. . .using a 600mm lens, hand-held, for birds in flight. . .means you also lift weights, cars and small buildings on the side?

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Some weights, but mainly a Piloties reformer in the office. The lens is the new generation, about 8.5 pounds (guessing), and about 13 with the 1 DX. It also has four stops worth of stabilization, which helps a lot!

  7. Gary Barnes Says:

    As usual, most wonderful bird photos thanks Steve.