Sony 100-400 G Master with A9 Body Tracking

There are a lot of Canon and Nikon shooters wondering if Sony has gotten competitive on focus tracking. The following series were shot in Pulpit Harbor, Maine while driving the dinghy and watching the depthfinder.

The 100-400 G Master zoom was wide open and between 300 and 400mm, with the Sony 1.4 extender.  Focus is set to continuous tracking, mainly using lock on spot, medium size.

The photo above was blown up 200% in Photoshop before cropping.

The detail in the following photos are equally sharp.

We think it is safe to say Sony have figured out focus tracking.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 2, 2018)

2 Responses to “Sony 100-400 G Master with A9 Body Tracking”

  1. Craig Buma Says:

    Very nice shots Steve.

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks Craig:
    The hardware makes it easy. Just add good light, some subject matter, and you are off.