Although the bare aluminum exterior is functional it also works aesthetically. One of the keys to this are stainless steel details which offset the bare aluminum. As Circa have their own stainless fabrication facility, it provides a wonderful opportunities to demonstrate their prowess in this regard.
The first photo is of the swim step area.
Moving forward, the stainless companionway to the flying bridge. Note the tread details.
Speaking of access to the fly bridge, this forward ladder is hinged on top and flips up and out of the view field of the interior.
The railings surrounding the flying bridge are nicely executed.
The foremast is a complex structure with lots going on (which we will discuss in a separate blog). The key thing for us is it gets its job done yet blends in unobtrusively with the rest of the boat).
Finally, a couple of photos of the side boarding gates.
Note the flat plate bales to which the lifelines attach. These are far stronger than wire bales, and have been a standard detail for us since we started in the business 30 years ago.
March 24th, 2010 at 6:31 am
All of the launch and subsequent details are great keep them coming.
I didn’t see them in this series, but there appear to be small posts forward of the fly-bridge gate forward running fore and aft on either side of the “walk way”.
What are they?
March 24th, 2010 at 2:38 pm
Hi Scott:
I think you are referring to one in threaded stubs for future antenna use.
March 25th, 2010 at 1:32 am
Hi Steve and Linda, Congrats on the launching of your latest baby. I would like to thank you for all your hard work posting all this as well as your blog for the last few years. I almost feel that I have done a “cruising and boat design course”! The 64 looks absolutely awesome, but there is one thing that bugs me, the red paint on the inside of the dorade vents….Avatar would look much meaner if they were black….
March 26th, 2010 at 1:01 am
Good point!