Once you’ve read Surviving the Storm you will never look at the sea the same way again. Packed with real-world stories and detailed technical data. This book is enhanced with detailed illustrations explaining the why and how of what happened, both right and wrong, and what you can do to avoid the same situation.The techniques and details of what works and what doesn’t are backed up with 70 in-depth interviews. Not just salty tales – you will feel the emotion and distress caused when your life, family, and vessel are on the line
For more than two decades the Dashews have studied heavy weather and how best to deal with it. They’ve interviewed sailors from around the world whose experiences, in addition to their own 200,000-plus miles at sea, form the basis of the most detailed manual on heavy weather sailing ever published.
Plus you’ll learn the heavy weather secrets of 33 professionals, so you can take advantage of lessons from sailors who have survived some of the worst weather imaginable, and learn the common mistakes which cost people their lives. These lessons apply in coastal as well as offshore sailing.
Surviving the Storm: Coastal & Offshore Tactics is filled with the most spectacular collection of heavy weather photographs ever assembled. 560 photos and illustrations will help you to understand the right and wrong way to deal with breaking seas, heaving to, working your way to windward, running before the storm and the use of drogues or para anchors.
The emphasis throughout this book is on survival storms because, if you are prepared for the worst, normal gales and storms are no longer something to be feared – they become a chance to experiment, to test what works best on your boat.
Surviving the Storm will change your definition of heavy weather. All of your cruising, even the majority which takes place in pleasant weather, will benefit. Passages will be faster and more relaxed. You and your crew will feel more comfortable with the elements. To a substantial degree, those nagging “what if?” doubts will be erased.
A new perspective
Perhaps the most valuable lessons in Surviving the Storm come at the end, when the Dashews recap common problems that occur over and over again, around the world – problems which lead to unnecessary injury and abandonment of vessels. The vast majority of these situations occur due to lack of knowledge on the part of the skipper and crew, and need not have happened. Surviving the Storm teaches you how to avoid these mistakes.
Surviving the Storm: Coastal & Offshore Tactics is filled with knowledge never before available in a book. Learn what questions to ask before buying, how to evaluate a yacht for heavy weather capability, where to place your budget priorities for maximum safety, how to choose the correct storm sails optimized for your needs, and how to get yourself and crew ready. Handling your boat in breaking seas is covered in exhaustive detail. Surviving the Storm brings together in one integrated reference, the knowledge required to make your passages safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable – for all the members of your crew.
Reviewers agree
* “Detailed look at passage-making in the filthiest weather – what to do, how to do it, what not to do – with some of the scariest photographs of nasty sea conditions you’ll ever want to see and case histories that will keep you up at night.” Wooden Boat
* “You can take a half-dozen different books on storm seamanship with you, or you can take Dashew’s Surviving the Storm and have it all in one volume. Not only that, it’s a good read when the wind isn’t blowing.” Gregory Jones, Editor, Sailing Magazine
* To read these and other reviews in full, click here.
672 pages, 560 photos and illustrations – just $69.95
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