Enigma, ex Katana, may be the coolest mega stinkpot in Palma or anywhere. She is svelte, and rather than maximize volume, has clean lines, and will be exceptionally efficient at planing speed.
We first met this yacht in Antigua during Race Week in 2000 (the year Beowulf broke Mari Cha IVs record in the Guadloupe-Antigua race). Katana was tender to Larry Ellison’s maxi, Sayonara.
What impressed us the most were the after race basketball games on the aft deck, complete with a crew on standby in the dink to retrieve errant balls.
We got to know some of the crew and what they complained about was the time it took to clean these windows.
Larry Ellison has had some serious yachts, of which we like the big tri, with its huge wing, the best. Katana comes next. Maybe Larry should buy her back?
At the other extreme is this salvage tug converted to a yacht by Australian tycoon Kerry Packer.
Arctic is a serious go anywhere looking vehicle, but with her low freeboard she would not be the ideal choice for a severe storm in the North Atlantic or Drake channel.
In a completely different way from Katana she is a cool looking yacht.
And she is able to launch some serious dinghies with these cranes.
Somehow being under charter in the Balearic Islands seems out of context for this massive tug yacht. But then you are not going to be lost in a crowd of look alikes.
Final photo of an interesting boarding platform.
September 14th, 2010 at 6:05 pm
You are to be commended on your great photos and interest in the boats around you both small and large.