Yachting World Magazine Interview


While we were in Las Palmas in the Canary Islands waiting for the ARC to start Wind Horse was the object of scrutiny by quite a few members of the European press. We had numerous journalists and photographers aboard, one of whom was

Elaine Bunting, the cruising editor at Yachting World, someone we have worked with for many years, but whom we had never met. What we thought was a discussion on yacht design trends ended up as an interview in Yachting World magazine. The January issue is one of the best, and filled with much more interesting stuff than our interview. You can buy it online, at newsstands, or read the excerpt by clicking here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (January 13, 2011)

4 Responses to “Yachting World Magazine Interview”

  1. Victor Raymond Says:

    Hi Steve and Linda,

    I enjoyed reading the Cruising World article about you and your design philosophy. I agree with everything you say because having read your many books I realize you know what you are talking about! The problem I have is where to find a boat designed with your experience that a common (no sailor is really common) man can afford? I am talking about $300-400K range. I know and understand that you have moved on to your motorized boats but there are still a few of us left who really want to learn to harness the wind and do so with the utmost safety and comfortable motion in mind. I personally want an aluminum swinging keel boat and have looked at the range of production boats out there and I haven’t found what I believe adheres to your very practical and sensible approach to sailboat design. I would even go to a one off design if I knew someone who would design it for me that adheres to your design approach. I am not asking you to do it since I already know that you have moved in another direction and rightly so. But I am still into sailing and don’t want to make a second mistake.

    Thank you and I appreciate your comments in advance.

    Victor Raymond
    s/v Varuna
    Jeanneau SO 45.2

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Victor:
    Thanks for the kind comments. I doubt it is practical to attempt a new build within th e budget you desire. The best bet is to find a good used boat, that needs to be sold quickly, and be ready to take advantage of the situation.

  3. RDE Says:

    Victor, if you are looking for aluminum have you investigated the three 50’VanDeStadt Samoa’s currently on the market for under 300k? Not a Dashew design, but on the narrower side by contemporary standards, and the sister ship Hawke is well proven in the southern ocean. Great hard dodger design, and well worth the effort to remove teak decks and other nonsensical items if your interests tend toward function.

    Also, I was very impressed by the metal work on the older Garcia Passoa my friends sailed from the high arctic to Cape Horn.—

  4. Victor Raymond Says:

    RDE and Steve,

    Thank you. I am most interested in function and I have looked at the VandeStadt’s also the 52′ Nordsee Dubbel & Jesse for sale in Barcelona. I am convinced I want a swinging keel now and am actively looking at the Garcia’s. I looked at one Passoa, one Nouanni and one Maracuja while in Europe this Fall. I also visited the Boreal factory in Brittany. It also is an interesting boat but interior is barely seaworthy, IMHO. The big advantage of buying new of course is new, fresh insulation which is of value for both high latitude sailing and in the tropics.

    If you are in Jackson we could talk offline so to speak.

    Thank you both again for all your input. I value it immensely.
