An FPB Opportunity

At Dashew Offshore our goal has always been to build the perfect cruising yacht; delivered on time, within budget, without surprises, resulting in a contented client.

To make this unique approach to the yacht building business successful, we have to purposely limit our sales, something that many would find counter-intuitive given the demand for FPBs.

With any business, and yacht building in particular, a key element to success is keeping market forces (real or imagined) from pushing you into commitments that cannot be kept.

When we announced the FPB 97 Series, we had reservations about our capacity to simultaneously produce FPB 97s and FPB 64s. As a result, we reluctantly ceased making build slots available for the 64s.

The past eight months have seen a smooth start-up of the FPB 97 program. Working drawings are well along, construction of the first FPB 97 hull has begun, and most design questions have been worked through with the client. At the same time, the Circa team has been able to add a few top Kiwi craftsmen to their work force – primarily from the unfortunate closing of several highly regarded builders.

As a result, we can now offer two FPB 64 starts in 2013, with an additional two the following year. For details on how to tie down a production slot, email Sue Grant: Sue.Grant@Berthon.Co.UK..

Posted by admin  (September 25, 2012)

5 Responses to “An FPB Opportunity”

  1. David Guest Says:

    Great move … The FPB 64 is such a unique and outstanding vessel, it needs a longer run….

  2. janet Says:

    Saw Wind Horse today in the TomsRiver, off the Barnegat Bay in NJ. Quite impressed and had to look her up. How did she end up here?

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    We are visiting cruising friends. As to how we got here, at the top of the tide with as little as 5.5 feet of water (we draw five feet).

  4. Chris B Says:

    Hoping the scheduling of your FPB78 build can extend the production line and time for future FPB64s – since I’m not YET in position to get one! A few more years perhaps…..or maybe some current 64 owners may like to upgrade to new 78’s in the future. Crossing fingers these options remain open.

  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Time will tell.