Cochise Goes to Washington

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For some reason this summer, numerous friends asked us if we’d visit Washington, DC with Cochise. Go 170 miles out of our way to see a city that epitomizes waste and inefficiency? Then we thought, why not. We have lots of friends in the area, it would give us a chance to visit some of the buildings that were constructed with our concrete forming equipment (a very long time ago), and we could catch a few museums. And if we were really lucky, maybe the leaves would turn and we could finally snap a photo that has eluded us over many years. To see how this all turned out (and there is even a free lunch!), read on.

To begin with, no matter how jaded a traveler your are, Mount Vernon in the early morning sun is just lovely.

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That we are sitting at anchor just off George and Martha’s home is an indication of how cool this river can be.

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Above, Sharon Casey (far right) with her very accomplished daughter, Winter, visiting us in Chester. We first met one evening in 1982 as we rafted our then new Intermezzo II alongside Sharon’s boat in Fort Lauderdale. We have been close friends ever since.

When they suggested we drive to DC to see them we said, “No way, too much traffic.”

“Then bring the boat.” Sharon rejoined.

“Hmm,” was our response.

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The recently endangered bald eagle is everywhere.

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And when you see them flapping their powerful wings as they glide to their next meal it is an undeniable thrill.

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Just as long as it’s not you on the menu.


We park Cochise inside the National Harbor, just south of DC. It is surrounded by lots of shops and businesses, bustling and busy.

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Politics aside, this is the people’s White House, and whether you agree or disagree with the occupants at any given time, it is best to keep in mind who the real owners are. And this being a lovely fall day, we consent to a visit to the People’s house.

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Especially when it includes lunch in the Navy Mess, a rare treat for which your faithful correspondent donned a tie–for the first time in some 40 years.

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Forty plus years ago, when we had real jobs rather than pretend (as in playing with boats), we were heavily involved with concrete building construction. The Hirschhorn Museum was at one point possibly the most difficult concrete forming job ever. It was formed with our equipment, as were many other buildings in this area. If we look a little tired above it is because we are. It had been a very full day at this point, with more coming.

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One of our photo goals this year was to capture fall leaves, hopefully reflected in a glassy sea surface.

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On to the next adventure…

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 13, 2017)

3 Responses to “Cochise Goes to Washington”

  1. scotto Says:

    A tie? Congratulations on whatever the occasion.
    Thank you for the beautiful photos and sharing the journey with us all.


  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Yes Scotto, had to dress up to meet the Navy Strict rules. Small price to pay for the free hamburger

  3. scotto Says:

    following you on shiptracker,
    your anchorage off Jarrett Boats showed on of your boats up on the hard stand.
    very distinct lines and form from above, with the two dinghies on the aft deck as a confirmation.
    I see one here in Sydney occasionally too, although I haven’t seen her underway, yet.

    Enjoy your time and please keep the updates coming.