FPB 64-11 DreamTime and a Few Days Off From FPB 78-1 Sea Trials


We’ve had a few days testing Cochise on our own, hanging out in the Bay of Islands. We’ve had FPB 64-11 for company part of the time,

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and she’s been a lovely companion in the nearly full moonlight.

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Not bad at first light either.


With the passing of time we are finding Cochise is growing on us. We’ve become sufficiently familiar to dock her on our own in a fresh breeze blowing us away from the dock.


Her size, formidable when compared to the 64, is starting to feel comfortable, even fun, in really tight maneuvering situations.


New Zealand has thrilled us with exquisite sunsets and sunrises.

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And more than a few rainbows. We will close with this photo snapped by Jason Dewtie. There isn’t much more we can say.

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Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 22, 2016)

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