With all the excitement about the start of construction on the first FPB 97, it is easy to forget about the four FPB 64s currently in various stages of construction. We’ll start with FPB 64-6 and then move on to the other boats. Shown above is the fresh water pressure pump setup: twin pumps, so when one quits (probably mid-shower) it is easy to bring the pressure back online.
Roving bilge pump hose.
Still in the basement, heater coil above left and fridge/freezer compressors below.
Meanwhile, the mast is being readied for its electronic components.
And the furniture is installed and protected.
Seat base in the great room. Note seat belt sections attached to reinforcing plate at outboard side of furniture frame.
Moving on now to FPB 64-7.
The concentration for FPB 64-7 is on wiring and systems.
Fuel and heater manifolds in the basement.
Air con cooling pump connections to fresh water tank.
Damage control pump pickup (middle) and isolated hydraulics hoses.
Finally, initial runs of fuel lines, domestic fresh water, and damage control suction pipe.
FPB 64-8 is coming along quite nicely with the hull welding nearing completion.
Finally, FPB 64-9, with its skeleton complete, and first hull plates affixed.
The by now familiar stem detail, with its massive stem bar, breast hooks, and Sampson post.
A somewhat distorted (wide angle) view of the forepeak framing.
Framing in the middle of the boat.
OK, enough boat building details. Back to the drawing board.
September 12th, 2012 at 4:00 pm
Hi Steve and Linda,
do the water pumps come with the Square D industrial separate pressure switches you installed on Wind Horse? Can’t really tell from the picture.We ordered a pair of the switches for my own Bahamas based power boat. We just got tired of water pumps failures. Thanks for the tip,and the greatest boating website there is!
Jacques L.
September 12th, 2012 at 8:41 pm
There are two pumps, but no mechanic pressure switches at this time. However, should the become necessary they are easy to add.
September 12th, 2012 at 8:50 pm
Thought you were unhappy with this type water pressure pump and switched brands on Wind Horse.
September 13th, 2012 at 7:38 am
We have used the ShurFlow pumps on Wind Horse and they have given us acceptable service. However, they do not have as much capacity as the Head Hunter pumps. Head Hunter have had their problems in years past, but so far they seem to be working well.
September 13th, 2012 at 6:24 pm
I’m excited! Thanks for the update Steve