FPB 78-1 Cochise Halfway To Fiji: Posted by Sarah


This afternoon’s latitude/longitude ping fromĀ Cochise‘s Iridium shows the crew well along the route to Fiji.

Reports from on board attest, “Beautiful sky, albatross photo yesterday, lasagna for dinner with yummy sourdough roll and Waldorf salad. Breeze has backed to SE and bar dropping slightly so we are on top of high center. Handholds, manlines, staple rail working very well. Back into rhythm of being at sea.”

Current ETA has FPB 78-1 entering Navula Pass at first light on Sunday morning across the dateline.

Posted by admin  (September 1, 2016)

5 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Cochise Halfway To Fiji: Posted by Sarah”

  1. Tom Smeaton Says:

    Eagerly awaiting updates.
    Have fun

  2. Sig Says:

    Why did you select “COCHISE” as the name? As far as I know, he was a Native American APACHE Chief and nowhere near any Marine environment.

    Enjoy the tropics

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Sig
    Cochise was a very smart, tough Apache war chief whose history we have long admired. The idea came to the two of us separately over a drive last winter.

  4. Scott Evangelista Says:


    I assume you made it to Fiji…any good after action reports? or pictures?

    stay well



  5. Sarah Dashew Says:

    Hi Scott,
    Cochise and crew are all safe and sound in Fiji. New post with pics coming today or tomorrow! Cheers, Sarah