FPB 78-1 Moving Day

IMG 2320

It is moving day for FPB 78-1. She is on passage to the fit out hall as welding has been completed, and this space is required for the third FPB 78 to begin its journey.

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Here is a shot in the metalwork hall from the inside looking out. FPB 78-1 on the left, FPB78-2 to the right, and FPB64-11 in-between.

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This is a short passage, just a couple of boat lengths. Longer journeys await in a year.

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FPB 78-1 moving into her new digs.

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In a few days, interior installation begins.

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Almost there.


Posted by Steve Dashew  (January 20, 2015)

3 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Moving Day”

  1. Shannon Says:

    I love the extended aft. It is a perfect place to board a dinghy, throw in a fishing pole, or just hang out. Not to mention, it adds waterline. You should design a retro fit kit for the 64 & offer it as an option on new builds.

  2. Jono Frankfort Says:

    Based on the photo of the stern looking forward, I am wondering how much of an assist mechanism is needed to offset the slope of the aft entry door/hatch? And,how high up on the list of failure point issues does the arrangement produce?
    Love your work. I’m always impressed with what’s between your ears.

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    From memory, Jono,thehatch weights about 40kg, of which you are lifting a portion since it it hinged. We don’t consider this a critical component since there are other options for support off the nearby handrails.