FPB 78 Dream Machine – Ocean Crossing In Comfort and Security

781-81-Underwater-fwd-bow-2Primary Design Goal – Ocean Crossing Comfort and Security: 

Our number one priority with this new FPB 78 is still a mix of capabilities that allows us to make long passages safely while keeping us physically and mentally comfortable. This means high average speeds, structure that allows for impact, and the ability to endure extreme weather and sea states, including capsize recovery. Shallow draft, and the ability to “dry out” on a tidal grid or sand bar further enhance our psyches.

The Comfort Equation:

The FPB 78 is very much an evolutionary design.

It melds the soft uphill motion of the FPB 64 with the efficient higher speed length ratios of the FPB 83 and 97.


Higher freeboard allows a more gradual increase in topside volume forward, enhancing wave penetration when heading into steep waves.

FPB 78 1 PRelim 5b 100

With a nominal cruising speed of 10.75 knots, and ocean crossing capability at 11.25 knots, she will make short work of even the longest passages in a quiet and comfortable fashion.


Sleeping cabins, great room, and Matrix deck are all further aft relative to the pitch center than preceding designs, which means less uphill motion for ourselves and guests.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 31, 2013)

16 Responses to “FPB 78 Dream Machine – Ocean Crossing In Comfort and Security”

  1. Matt L Says:

    …sleeplessness rewarded!

  2. Scotto Says:

    Want one!

  3. Gene LeBeau Says:

    If I look at the underwater renderings correctly, this appears to be a totally new hull design. Perhaps optimized for more speed. Chines in particular look different from your other designs or am I wrong?

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Gene:
    The hull shape is a combination of Wind Horse, the 64sm and the 97, but in the end, a very specific mix. It has higher speed potential than the 64.

  5. James Masters Says:

    Is that an edge where the lower-hull joins the body? Is that for speed, stability, or both? Also, it appears the prop-skegs and rudders are shallower, and the rudders longer than deep — is that so, or a visual-illusion of the rendering? What will the draft and range be?

  6. James Masters Says:

    What’s that-“box” behind the Entry-door? Will there be a day-head on the Matrix Deck?

  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    To starboard of the entry door, adjacent the bulkhead, is a large locker for safety gear, abandon ship bags, coats, and shoes. The engine room air intake is just aft of this.

  8. Steve Dashew Says:

    Draft is four and a half feet. The edge is a slight chine, and it has a definite purpose. Skegs are deeper than the rudders by a touch.

  9. Matt L Says:

    How well would a 12.5 foot auxiliary tender fit on the back of the 78 along with the Circa tender. Say something like this http://www.norseboat.com/Site_2/NorseBoat_12.5.html ?

  10. Steve Dashew Says:

    There is room for up to a 11.5 foot AB inflatable aluminum bottom RIB. We used one of these on Beowulf with a 30HP motor, and it was a great dinghy. As a go to the beach machine, we’d probably go with the 10.5 foot model and 15HP engine – sufficient to get us up on a plane and moving along smartly, yet light enough to drag up the beach ourselves.

  11. Matt L Says:

    So the Circa Dingy in the renders is how long?

  12. Steve Dashew Says:

    The pram dink is 4.7m plus the outboards at present. The aft edges of the outboard cavitation plates are even with the end of the swim step, but inside the swim step belting so that we can press the boat against pilings or a dock, and not worry about dinging the lower leg of the outboard.

  13. SetSail» Blog Archive » FPB 78 – Steve & Linda’s New Dream Machine Says:

    […] FPB 78: Ocean Crossing Comfort […]

  14. Steve Dashew Says:

    The roll stabilization we require is different than on a sailboat. In our case, we need fins that vary their angle of attack very quickly, so we are stuck with active stabilizers.

  15. Mike W Says:

    Could any of these designs be produced with pod drives?

  16. Steve Dashew Says:

    Pod drives are not robust enough for our service.