FPB 97-1 Iceberg: A Day Of Tests – Posted By Sarah


Tuesday morning finds us wending our way out to open water on Iceberg. A battery of tests are in store: everything from engine load and fuel burn, to optimizing stabilizer settings, checking roll periods, loading alternators, and pretty much anything you can think of in between.
It’s a beautiful, clear summer day.

Once out in open water, Iceberg‘s skipper tends the throttles, and the whole FPB team scurries about to measure and collect data. True wind speed is 20 knots, and a long one meter swell is running.


At high speeds, both bow and stern wakes are fine.


And the ride is plenty smooth for making mid-afternoon tea.


Much more detailed reports are in store when the powers that be start analyzing data…

Posted by Sarah.Dashew  (January 7, 2015)

2 Responses to “FPB 97-1 Iceberg: A Day Of Tests – Posted By Sarah”

  1. Andy Says:

    Any – even vague non binding general idea – on the fuel burn achieved?

  2. sarah dashew Says:

    Hi Andy,
    Coming soon. 🙂
    cheers, sarah