One takeaway from this latest trip to New Zealand was the overall pace and quality of progress that Circa Marine is managing with the FPB 97 program. Kudos thus far to project manager John Richards and the Circa crew, who have things humming along to the satisfaction of the client and Dashew Offshore. This lead photo shows tank structure, frames, and most decking in place from stem to owners cabin aft bulkhead. On the shop floor in the foreground is the floor grid being fabricated for the mid section of the great room.
Speaking of owners cabin – the white “grounds” laid out on this mezzanine space are where the interior cabinets, furniture, and bulkheads will land atop the forward tanks. Looking at the plywood bulkhead with the door cut-out at the far end, you can get a sense for the spaciousness given to the owners. If you look closely you can make out the over-sized king bed against this far bulkhead. The FPB 97 interior will be built in entirety in the mezzanine at Circa, then disassembled and installed into the fabricated hull. This will allow the various trades to work as efficiently as possible along the same timeline.
This photo helps place the aforementioned cabin sole layout. The far aluminum bulkhead with the door cut-out is the same to which the plywood bulkhead in the previous photo will affix.
Here is the same cabin, looking forward from the bulkhead door cut-out. As furniture and cabinets are completed in the chippie shop, they will be fitted and installed just as in the finished hull.
And to give that photo even greater perspective and clarity – compare to this rendering generated during the design process with the client. As they like to say in New Zealand, sweet as!
For more information on the FPB series, contact Sue Grant: Sue.Grant@Berthon.Co.UK.