FPB Update – Coming Together Quickly

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This week we bring you an update on FPB 97-1 and FPB 64s eight, nine and ten. Starting with 97-1 where metal work is rapidly coming to an end.

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You will note the temporary stiffeners shown previously in the hull windows are now removed.

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A detail of the hull window frame casting from the inside.

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What will become the great room, forward end, looking from port to starboard.

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Switching now to FPB 64-9, the interior foundation is well along. Note that the aluminum surfaces have all been insulated.

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Another photo of FPB 64-9, this time of the aft end of the house structure, with window frame areas templated for windows.

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Finally, a few photos of FPB 64-8 and the efforts of the “sparkies” (electricians). This is looking into the basement from the great room.

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Now looking forward in the basement to the bulkhead wherein reside various electronics black boxes and much of the N2K data system.

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Looking here at inverter chargers for 230VAc, 115VAC, and 24V power supplies.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (August 2, 2013)

7 Responses to “FPB Update – Coming Together Quickly”

  1. Steve B Says:

    Million dollar harbour views – wherever you choose!

  2. RobS Says:

    What happened to the V window mullion forward in the great room?

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    The V-mullion is on t he FPB 78.

  4. RobS Says:

    So it is, my daydreaming is apparently ahead of your production schedule…chop chop 😉

  5. Kerry Kilcrease Says:

    Wow, cant think of any other mfg. out there that shows this kind of build detail. I think the rest of them would rather the buyer NOT see their not so fine details. Keep up the great work Mr. & Mrs. Dashew and crew.

  6. Rob L Says:

    It appears that the frames are fully welded to the topside plating. Considering the local bucking that this causes in the last place you want it I wondered why? Is it a class or structural requirement.

  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    Weld schedules are governed by class rules if building to class, and by engineering requirements if not. Typically bottom plate is fully welded, and topside framing not. However, FPB 971 is being built to Lloyd’s Rules and they require double continuous welding on framing for various reasons that in our case do not make sense.