We are torn between a love for the tropics and the adrenaline that comes as you venture closer to the poles.
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf is now in Tahiti, soon to depart for the Tuamotus and Marquesas. FPB 64-5 Tiger, 64-7 Buffalo Nickel, and FPB 64-8 Atlantis are getting ready to resume (or in the case of Atlantis begin) their tropical cruising, while FPB 64-1 Avatar, FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah, FPB 64-3 Iron Lady are preparing to head for high latitudes (FPB 83-1 Wind Horse, 64-4 Osprey, and 64-9 Orca are all currently cruising the mid-latitudes). Of the ten FPBs listed, eight will have major distances to run to their cruising goals.
Which is the best destination? Read on.
Entering a new pass in the tropics, watching the coral flash by in crystal clear water, all the while feeling that gentle tropical breeze dressing your minimally clad body, is a great pleasure. Sitting at anchor in your private section of a tropical lagoon isn’t too bad either.
And the beaches, in particular those of the fine grain variety, are worthy of a row ashore.
Then there is the morning snorkel, and another in the afternoon.
We can attest to the fact that cruising life in the tropics has its rewards.
But the high latitudes also have a strong pull.
For this type of beauty you have to get closer to the poles.
Of course there are challenges, and you need a stronger hull and detailed preparation.
You can amaze friends with fresh ice that fizzes in their drinks.
One of the big attractions is wildlife.
In many of the high latitude anchorages you don’t need a super telephoto lens.
Which is better?
There is a lot to be said for this view, even on a damp, chilly day.
And when the sun does come out…
On the other hand, we like this too. Maybe the answer is both.
Which do you prefer, and why?
April 15th, 2014 at 3:32 pm
The bigger question is what kind of boat do you need to do both? There really aren’t too many that can make the journey from the deep Southern Ocean to the wilds of the Arctic with a good stretch in the tropics along the way. Once you have that boat (and you know my answer on that one) the answer is to go do it all!
April 15th, 2014 at 7:38 pm
High latitudes are really only fun in the summer. Tropics are great in the Winter. Fortunately with a real cruising boat you can enjoy both in one year.
May 26th, 2014 at 7:08 pm
Wind Horse….it’s always been that one for me….that low slung understated non-motor yacht …..time machine….I can’t understand why another has not been built …I understand that the design evolves….but from a rowing away looking back over the shoulder perspective…she’s a spectacular achievement. I remain unswayed.