Having grown weary with and needing a break from a long and arduous design cycle, a meeting of the executive committee was called and a weekend away to clear cobwebs was deemed prudent. In olden days this would have indicated a sojourn afloat to a bucolic hideaway known to a relatively few enthusiasts, say Catalina Island. Presently bereft of personal watercraft, a visit to one of our least favorite entities, Los Angeles, was ordained. We go grudgingly to this overcrowded mega-city, the presence of family being the draw. LA does have some charms. Take the rainbows for example.
And a music scene which draws the most talented from across the country to compete. In this case, our very own Sarah J’s latest CD release gig is the happening.
And the house is rocking (photographer’s note: Canon 1DX, Canon 24mm F1.4 lens, ISO 3200, F2.2, 1/160th of a second – which is three stops under to soften the burn out from the spots).
Sunday morning means a yummy breakfast with homemade gluten-free blueberry muffins.
And then a walk around the local waterfront, Silverlake reservoir,
to work off a bit of excess and enjoy the downtown LA Sunday scene.
The sights are truly varied. From cyclists sporting the latest in fashion,
to sports enthusiasts demonstrating an avante-guard basketball defensive technique (or, maybe this competitor is preparing a leaping block).
Hollywood being just around the corner, there has to be at least one camera crew at work.
Super dog, Señor Luca, has a dedicated park, this for large canines–with a smaller park for lesser creatures adjacent.
There are a few rules for Luca to abide, but as a Californian he is used to the State telling him what to do.
Springtime means flowers and the carbon-filled atmosphere keeps the plant growth cycle humming.
While Sir Andy the Warhol looks on.
California has its financial troubles of course. The courts have no staff, libraries and parks for the taxpaying citizens are hit hard, and routine maintenance goes by the wayside, forcing the local population to send well over half their hard-earned paychecks to government to spend wisely on behalf of all the citizens.
Some would say the California experiment, often a leading indicator for the rest of country, is a lemon.
A majority of the voting public clearly disagrees. They think they are making lemonade.
On the other hand, the weather is pleasant (smoggy days notwithstanding), the people watching excellent, there are a few of Mother Nature’s feathered friends nested nearby to enthrall, and Catalina is just across the San Pedro Channel.
Having survived this short sojourn we are back at the work stations with synapses and IC’s whirring, on the home stretch now.
March 13th, 2013 at 8:49 am
Hi Steve,
Sarah’s dog looks like a Portuguese Water Dog. We have owned two the first one was named Riptide, hence the boat name. They are great dogs.
March 13th, 2013 at 10:58 am
Hi Brandy:
Luca has his Hollywood coif, short being the new look, and is a standard poodle. He is very spoiled, likes his comforts, sleeps with his head on the bed pillow, and is very protective.
March 13th, 2013 at 12:16 pm
Luca’s mom’s note: he’s not THAT spoiled!
March 16th, 2013 at 11:55 pm
Sarah, everybody’s dog but your own is overly spoiled. It’s a rule.
March 17th, 2013 at 11:57 am
Well thank goodness! 🙂
March 13th, 2013 at 4:41 pm
Sarah, As you know Standard Poodles are from the more intelligent end of the canine gene pool and will learn their good habits as well as their bad habits equally as fast! My niece raised 3 for the “Paws for a Cause” program during her high school career. They are great companions. Beautiful animals!
March 13th, 2013 at 4:42 pm
Michael, I couldn’t agree more. His word recognition is almost instantaneous! And yes, he gets away with his fair share…But overall he is just about the coolest guy in town!
March 15th, 2013 at 10:51 am
Our Pooka is a miniature labradoodle, like a roast beef with short legs. She has the personality of a lab and the intelligence of her Poodle father. She is manipulative, domineering, demanding and understands every word we say… In obedience school, she passed and I flunked… So, I understand your statements about Luca’s word recognition and getting away with his fair share…