Pam Wall: Welcome to the FPB Family

The universe of circumnavigators is a small world. It’s not unusual to meet somebody in an anchorage or a far-off port, spend a few days together, form a strong bond borne of common interests, meet up again years later, and pick up right where you left off.

Such was the case with circumnavigator Pam Wall when we brought Wind Horse to Florida from Europe via the West Indies in 2010. Pam was then the outfitting manager for West Marine, and in charge of their mega yacht service division. At the time we thought that she would be perfect for the FPB team, but she was otherwise occupied.

There is a huge difference between how you look at things after you’ve lived full time aboard a yacht, cruising, crossing oceans, and experiencing all the challenges and celebrations– both technical and emotional– associated therewith. The choices that you make in equipment and cruising grounds after you’ve lived the cruising life, as opposed to dipping in and out occasionally, are very different. As both a circumnavigator and someone who has built boats in her own back yard, as well as catering to the needs of professional mega yacht crews, Pam has a unique perspective on what works. (Example shown below, with the understanding that crossing the equator the first time is a very big deal for all creatures great and small.)


A few months ago, mutual friends, also circumnavigators, mentioned that Pam was now spending her full time as a cruising consultant, giving seminars and teaching others how to achieve the dream.

Our interest greatly piqued, we reached out again to Pam, and after some dialogue, we are excited to announce that she has joined the FPB family.

Pam will be helping our FPB owners with general support along with Circa, including personal outfitting, service requirements, and ordering of spares and replacements.

Above, Pam at the helm of one of the very first of Don Aronow’s muscle boats in the 1960s.

To give you an idea of the breadth of Pam’s experience a few excerpts from her cv are below. Be sure to also check out her web site at for more details and interesting posts.

  • Raced on the Great Lakes in the 1960s
  • Yacht broker in Fort Lauderdale
  • Sailed to and around Europe on 30-ft sloop for two years
  • Circumnavigated with husband and two small children 1985-1991
  • 1997-1998 sailed two children to Europe for school, then back to Florida
  • 2006-7 back and forth to Europe again
  • 1991-2013 worked for West Marine as Outfitting and cruising consultant and seminar speaker at myriad venues and boat shows


We are excited for this new chapter and look forward to working with Pam.

Posted by admin  (September 8, 2015)

5 Responses to “Pam Wall: Welcome to the FPB Family”

  1. michael Says:

    Bravo Pam, Steve, Linda, and all the rest!

  2. Pam Wall Says:

    Thank you, Michael!!! So happy to be aboard!!! Hearing from you Makes My Day!

  3. N David Mitchell Says:

    Well done FPB for recruiting one of the finest and knowledgeable sailors in the USA. David

  4. Joe Cain Says:

    Pam single handedly saved the Nordhavn Atlantic Rally.
    Many Thanks PAM !
    You are the greatest mariner and kindest person I have ever met.

  5. Troy Bethel Says:

    I was wondering when the stars where going to allign . I am so happy for both parties , it’s great to have the right folks for the jobs at hand .