Wicked Update – A Bow For All Seas

Wicked FPB 97 Framing Starts 102

We’ve been at this a long time, seen more yachts under construction than we can remember..looked at untold thousands of photographs of same and nothing has ever come close to the image above received a few minutes ago. Check the scale of the bow compared to the mere humans (and big ones at that) nearby.

Wicked FPB 97 Framing Starts 100

Now think about sea trials less than two years hence, with an easterly gale hurling its waves against the ebb of the Whangerei River, and then contemplate how this bow and what is attached behind is going to feel as it penetrates those steep seas.

Wicked FPB 97 Framing Starts 101

If you are thinking “Feel, how could you feel waves of a mere gale against an ebbing tide in the FPB 97?” you would be right. There is little that will disturb the equilibrium of those lucky enough to head offshore in this Wicked FPB.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 10, 2012)

2 Responses to “Wicked Update – A Bow For All Seas”

  1. Neo Says:

    Personally I would have titled the post “A Bow for all Seasons” but I am not sure everyone would get the reference. Joke aside, smoking looking beast already. Just need a few more million in commissions and I’ll be giving Todd R a call.

  2. Steve B Says:

    Dear Santa….