Rockin’ The House

100Sarah Dashew 54 below

In case you missed Sarah’s Broadway debut at 54 Below last week, we thought a few photos were in order.

116Sarah Dashew 54 below

The house was packed, and Sarah was rocking.

103Sarah Dashew 54 below

She doesn’t do a lot of shows, but when she does, Sarah does not hold back.

106Sarah Dashew 54 below

We’ll let the photos speak for themselves.

135Sarah Dashew 54 below

102Sarah Dashew 54 below

132Sarah Dashew 54 below

128Sarah Dashew 54 below

And the reaction of the staid New Yorkers who have seen it all.

Some local press and video here and here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (June 27, 2014)

2 Responses to “Rockin’ The House”

  1. JimB Says:

    Congrats to her and to the photographer, that first photo is awesome!

  2. Kent Says:

    If we are voting number three would get my vote (all are good).