FPB Construction Progress Update: August1, 2014

Forepeak from anchor locker 3

It is the first day of August and time for an update, starting with three shots of the FPB 97-1 forepeak, looking here from inside the chain locker and aft.


Now looking forward, the diesel fire/dewatering pump is in the foreground. A dive compressor is on the starboard side forward above the workbench.

Forepeak Compressors 2

And a closeup of the workbench, dive compressor, and horn compressor upper right.

Port AFT looking forward 2

Moving into the engine room now.

Engine Room 6

Fuel filters on one of the day tanks.

Fuel Pp Control Panel 1
Fuel transfer pump control.

Engine Room Floor Grid 2

And a set of legs and Circa engineer to give the engine size a sense of scale. Hard to imagine these little diesels will move this 110-foot/33m yacht along at an easy 11.5 to 12 knots.

Stbd Coaming

FPB 97-1 side deck above.

FWD Deck Crane 4

The forward demountable crane.

Now You Don t
The forward end of the master suite with a full length mirror.

Now You See it

 Which leads to a watertight door in the forepeak bulkhead.

Teak Deck 4

 A final FPB 97 photo, this time the decking for the Matrix deck.

Hull 3

 Switching now to FPB 78-1, which has its hull plating completed.

Hull 4

 The bottom shape is very fair. The stem bar projecting forward will have its edges softened up to the top of the bootstripe. Above this point it will remain squared off and brutish looking.

Hull 2

Swim step plating here.


And a look at the internal structure of the swim step.

House Casing

The coamings surrounding the great room are in place.

IMG 7843

With the great room roof and Matrix deck framing nearby waiting.

Showers Released 002

One of the shower moldings.

GC Bed Port

The port guest cabin bunk assembly.

FPB 64 10 Pantry

A final shot, this time the entry landing locker for FPB 64-10.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (August 1, 2014)

27 Responses to “FPB Construction Progress Update: August1, 2014”

  1. Carl E. Says:

    Hi Steve: Thank you for the update! I’m wondering (well, I’m just behind as usual :)) about the FPB78’s matrix deck roof: I seem to remember from a previous post that you went from a fixed roof to a detachable roof, for VCG and windage in extreme weather-reasons. It looks like in the end you went for a (metal) fixed roof? What are the advantages of this?

    Secondly, is the decking on the FPB97’s Matrix deck synthetic or real teak?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    The framing on the FPB 78 Matrix deck roof is aluminum, but the cover itself will be Stamoid fabric. The FPB 97 Matrix deck sole is the real stuff. Heavy, and you don’t want to spill wine on it.

  3. Steve B Says:

    Hi Steve,
    Did some one slip a couple of extra frames into the FPB 97 hull? It seems to have grown to 110 feet.

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    The FPB 97 was lengthened some time ago, the result of a lot of data analysis from our existing database and drag refinement, which trades boat speed, fuel burn, and added space against a somewhat stiffer motion uphill. Sounds scientific, but the bottom line is the 97 is a touch quicker, will surf better, and has the added space for dinghy functions and lounging. The FPB 78 has been put through the same process.

  5. Brian M Says:

    I have to ask, then. If the 97 was tweaked to 110 – and the 78 was also changed – how long is the “78” now?

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    The FPB 78 is 23.9 meters (prox 78 feet) official length by measurement rule. However, her actual length in terms of space needed on the dock is closer to 86 feet.

  7. Eric Bradley Says:

    Steve: It appears that the foil surfaced hull insulation is different for the FBP 97-1 from the other boats. Definitely more light reflective and a good “look” for the interior. Is this a new direction you are taking on hull insulation for all the new boats? Is this the Armaflex EDL product? Are you still applying 1/2″ to the hull and 1″ in the engine room?

    Thanks for your generosity sharing information.

  8. Todd Rickard Says:

    Hello Eric, FPB 97-1 has a metallized polyester film scrim applied to the EPDM insulation that we use on the interior aluminum structure. We use various thickness, ranging from 1/4″ to 2″ – dependent upon location and objective. We have been using this approach recently on the latest FPB 64’s, and are likely to continue selective use in areas that benefit from the added degree of protection and reflectivity of light.

  9. Bob Says:


    Brilliant as ever, and thanks as always for sharing so openly.

    From memory you have historically maintained that the forepeak is always sealed to keep damp and odours away from the main accommodation areas. Would it possible for you to share the rationale behind the change to a watertight door access to the forepeak detailed above and also as outlined in previous FPB 78 layout posts.

  10. Steve Dashew Says:

    The WT door on the 78 was added as a second way out of the owner’s quarters in an emergency like fire. It is water and air tight, and concealed, so except for a bit of weight and expense, there is no downside. The 78 has similar from the hallway outboard of the vanity/head with an offset watertight door. Forepeak odor is a question of air flow and how clean, or not the anchor chain is kept. In most cases, since the anchor chain tends to self-clean in its bin, we don’t seem to have an odor issue these days.

  11. Scott Evangelista Says:


    How heavy is that removable deck crane? Looks great…like a motorcycle might be lifted from the forward “hold” onto a dock.

    Hope all is well with you


  12. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Scott:
    I don’thave an exact jib crane weight, but it is probably in the neighborhood of 50 pounds.

  13. Todd Says:

    Are there access hatches on the deck of the swim step to allow for storage? Looks like a good place to tuck away fenders, propane / gasoline.

  14. Steve Dashew Says:

    Swim step hatches are always a trade off. They need to be flush, which means the hardware is in pockets and sitting in water, which eventually grows green with slime. Over the years our experience has been to make provision for access to inspect the swim step, with at least a soft patch, but otherwise to suggest the volume not be used for storage. Better to provide sufficient storage for fenders, dock lines, etc, in more easily accessed lockers above the swim step and/or in the forepeak. Note that we have fitted flush deck hatches on the FPB 64s and Wind Horse.

  15. Jono Frankfort Says:

    I must have missed the discussion re; lengthening the 97. Where did you add the extra frames and what did you do with the additional space? Please direct me to any discussions I missed on this topic. Are you still comfortable with a 110 being manageable with a crew of 2? I have to assume a bigger piggy bank will be required as well!
    Stay well, Stay safe.

  16. Steve Dashew Says:

    Jono – we added to the swim step which has some hydrostatic advantages with minimal impact on pitching in this case. As to handling, it makes little difference other than a little more boat length to squeeze in.

  17. Will Says:

    Hi Steve,
    I don’t get this: You say you added the 13 feet to the swim step extension?! Wow, that’s a long extension…
    At the same time you say “the 97 is a touch quicker, will surf better, and has the added space for dinghy functions and lounging. ”
    So is the aft deck lengthened too?

  18. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Will:
    First we lengthened the swim step of the FPB 97, then the deck was extended in the form of added lockers onto the new swimstep. It will all be clear soon.

  19. Will Says:

    is it then possible to have a crew cabin arrangement in the aft, as on the FPB 78?
    I have the impression, that you are using the space more efficiently on the FPB 78.

  20. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Will:
    Both the FPB 78 and 97 have crew cabin possibilities aft. FPB 971 has theirs forward of the engine room. FPB 78-2 has crew usable space (or for guests both aft and forward (she will charter). FPBs 78-1 and 78-3 have their ends open for storage and later conversion if needs change.

  21. Antonio Carvalho Says:

    I`m flubbergasted about FPB boats, Congratulations
    I have one question will be possible to place teak on all surfaces if the buyer wants anywhere in any models FPB-64, 78 or 97
    thanks beforehand

  22. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello Antonio:
    Teak would add considerable weight, have a negative impact on center of gravity and heavy weather capability, and require lead to offset the weight. The added teak + ballast the affects performance. In order to maintain the characteristics we want to see in one of the FPBs it would ne neccessary to reduce weight somewhere else to compensate.

  23. Scott Evangelista Says:


    I just noticed that the line for the “demountable” crane runs through a cheek block and to the winch. Alone that will make rotating any cargo difficult unless of course that jam-cleat will be mounted on the crane before the cheek block?

  24. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Scott:
    The loads will be light, there will be a tackle off the davit, and as you have surmised a rope clutch.

  25. Paul Says:

    Hi Steve is there a extra wall in the engine rooms pictures that wasn’t in the drawings? the engines look much closer to the wall to me. maybe a separate workshop in the FPB 97?
    I would love to see more construction pictures of the FPB 97

  26. Steve Dashew Says:

    The FPB 97 engine room has not changed in layout. However, shooting with a wide angle lens in a confined location does lead to viaual distortion.

  27. Paul Says:

    Hi Steve
    Your rite… (I know, you Know you are) there are no extra walls, in my head I had the engines turned around backwards so I thought the engine in the picture had a wall up just in front of the engines not the back.
    So I guess I am saying “never mind”
    I would still love to see more construction photos of the FPB 97