FPB 97-1 Sea Trials Day 1

FPB971 day 1 sea trial 200 9

It is a perfect day for the first sea trial with FPB 97-1.

Iceberg is traveling at 12.15 knots, a speed length ratio of 1.175 and judging by the bow wave, there is just a hint of pressure release, she is the most slippery of all FPBs.

FPB971 day 1 sea trial 204

Notice the stern wave, or lack thereof.

FPB971 day 1 sea trial 200 13

What there is begins aft of the transom.

During the first day of trials we are pleased to report that FPB 97-1 is hitting her numbers. We are not yet ready to divulge these, but by early next week it will be known just how wicked is the FPB 97.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 24, 2014)

11 Responses to “FPB 97-1 Sea Trials Day 1”

  1. Michael Seng Says:

    The first thing I noticed was the lack of the typical (for non-Dashew boats) bow wave and exceedingly flat stern wave – indicative of a typical yacht at idle in a no-wake zone. I knew better which just makes this all the more amazing – again, well done!

  2. Shannon Says:

    Looking great. I now fear my estimates may be way off now but that’s a good thing. I love watching an efficient machine at work. Can’t wait for the official numbers. I will be out of town for surgery next week & won’t have a computer. Will I be concerned about the world news I am missing? Of course not, I will be upset I have to wait until I get back home to see the numbers on the FPB 97-1. 🙂

  3. Skip N. Says:

    Is the boat still ‘bow light’? The first two pictures look odd. Like she isn’t cutting thru the water but splashing over it. Just curious.

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Skip, will come down a bit as payload is added. However the fine spray you see, which is the bow wave, will remain. Wind Horse and Beowulf are similar in this regard.

  5. Bob N Says:

    Really like the extended swim platform and now dinghy stowage. And it adds markedly to the aesthetics of the boat. What is the longest dinghy that will fit on it? What effect does it have on maneuvering because it means the props are further forward of the stern?

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Dinghy size depends on locker arrangement. An 11-foot RIB would fit now without difficulty. There is sufficient rudder area to spin the boat in its own length.

  7. Jono Frankfort Says:

    Morning Steve, Thanks for the shots of the aft end. Wondering if the intent is to store smaller dink as shown? If so, maybe should consider ramping aft end of 97-2 for drive on recovery. Noticed the deck pads without the rails, might be dangerous to sea trial the BBQ without them.
    As to her overall potential, what I’m seeing at 12.5Kn from the stern wave picture, is moderate thrust levels. I’ll put the proverbial nickel on her breaking 20Kn,without a push.
    Always a pleasure,

  8. Carl Nostrnd Says:

    Nice wake!

    I must of missed a detail about the deck launching gear on the 97. No more work booms?

  9. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Carl:
    Booms will be fitted in a few days (carbon fiber).

  10. sarah-sarah Says:

    What an acomplishment.

    Steve, Todd, Bruce and the entire Circa crew should, and I’m sure, are very very proud. A beautiful women who is tough as nails. Thanks for the show!

  11. Rod Manser Says:

    I know I’m too late to the party to guess on performance since there is some actual data out now. And, I wouldn’t go so far as to say breaking 20 kts [implies SLR>1.9], as other physics still are at play – ie no magic wand, but given the light loading and the ability to push the 6068’s up with the right pitch prop I wouldn’t be surprised to see 16+ at full load DWL and maybe even 17-18 at this light load at 80% power. Of course, there are a few too many unknowns to make an educated guess here, but it is looking real good so far to break 16 kts. It appears to respond to power real well. Not knowing the “hull speed” or what SLR can be attained, I am guessing over 1.5 is possible with this slippery shape. I would love to see what happens with larger props and more power. Maybe the fins would be a bit large then and that’s not the mission for which Steve & Co. designed this boat.

    I agree with Steve that resistance software really doesn’t work too well on these hull forms so it’s hard to know how conservative to be. I will say that there won’t be a more efficient 110 footer on the water – or anything in this class for that matter.