Now we get to the hard part, choosing art work and photographs for the many surfaces aboard Cochise.
Most of what we enjoy viewing has a story behind it, like the lead photo of Magdelena bay on Svalbard, just a few miles below the 80 degree north line. This is one of the most beautiful anchorages we have ever experienced.
Or Sheep Cove in Alaska’s Prince William Sound, where we first began to hear the call of the high latitudes.
We’ll have this photo of Wind Horse anchored in the Bahamas to remind ourselves we need to spend a lot more time investigating this lovely island nation.
This shot of Bosque del Apache is destined for the port hull panel in the forward suite. It is the type of scene we never get tired of looking at.
On the opposite side of the cabin we will be looking at these beautiful trees from a high mountain meadow in Utah.
The port guest cabin will get this Egret on its hull side.
While the starboard guest cabin will be looking at foggy Maine on their hull side.
The bulkhead adjacent to the main electrical panel will carry this reminder not to mess with Mother Nature.
The annex, AKA the laundry, workout, and overflow guest space, will consume lots of photos. We are thinking in terms of several boat photos, all with a story. That is Beowulf V above, blasting her way to a world speed record of 31.58 knots over a 500 meter course. Not so fast now, when sailboards routinely go 40+, but in 1971 it was a lot of knots.
The last Beowulf, number seven, on her way to the British Virgin Islands. Cool photo notwithstanding, this reminds us of the pleasure that comes with working together as a team, pushing hard, yet prudently. Fully crewed yachts have yet to equal Beowulf’s five days and three hour Caribbean 1500 passage record.
At the other end of the performance spectrum is Intermezzo. She was far from the ideal, but the price and timing were right, and in spite of the fact that at 50-feet she was considered too big, she got us started cruising full-time.
Intermezzo ll was our first ultimate cruising yacht. The aft engine room, hull windows, swim step, and minimalist deck (read: no teak) broke the rules.
Sundeer, at 68 feet was pushing the size envelope we could handle as a couple, or so we thought. To finish off our photo selection forward we offer you…
…Beowulf yet again. This time with her twin spinnakers set, over 6,000 square feet of power. We can confirm that Beowulf was our ultimate Mom and Pop cruiser.
Moving back to the living quarters, we have a foggy morning in North Carolina.
The Palouse in Eastern Washington after the harvest.
There is more, but to see the rest of the photos you will need to wait on a tour of Cochise.
May 6th, 2016 at 7:34 am
To be honest. Its hard to say what the favorite part of visiting this web site.
Watching the boats be built.
Sea stories of travels in those boats.
Amazing photographs.
Do I have to pick just one?
Beowulf running flat out & Windhorse the over head shot on that blue Caribbean water. My two fav’s.
May 6th, 2016 at 6:07 pm
leave some room for new pics.
your selection has colour and splendour, best of all MEMORIES…