FPB 64 “Avatar” Final Trial Recap

If you are just joining us, and are looking at the FPB64 Avatar Final Trial photos for the first time, we suggest you take these blogs in order. You will find at the end of each blog a link to our high res photo server which will allow you to view these remarkable photos full screen.

Links for the three articles, in order, are below.

Part one is here.

Part two will be found here.

Part three is here.

For the associated slide shows, with versions of the photos that will play full screen, see the links below.

Part one slide show is here.

Part two slide show is here.

Part three slide show is here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 20, 2010)

5 Responses to “FPB 64 “Avatar” Final Trial Recap”

  1. Heavy Weather « The AVATAR Logs Says:

    […] performance in heavy weather as illustrated by Ivor’s photographs.  Or click HERE for the portal to the entire series of three blogs and three slide […]

  2. Max Says:

    Hi Steve,
    “Dive, Dive, prepare for deep submergence.” Just in case you wanted a caption for this photo.
    Even a submariner would be impressed.
    I have just reread “Pitching in headseas” (on the FPB site) and it seems to me that there is a substantial difference of pitching levels between the 83 and the 64. Do you have any quantifiable info or comments to make?

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Max:
    Both designs behave as expected. The 64 has a little more pitch but a softer landing than the 83. Both boats slice through the waves. Pitching occurs only rarely and typically in new waves. In the open ocean, and longer, mature waves, motion is quite subdued on both compared to other motor yachts. And that’s not just our opinion (see the magazine reprints for editorial comments).
    We’ll have some video up after we return from sea trials end of March. Speaking of which, there is a video comparison now under the FPB 64 category, or you can click here.

  4. Max Says:

    Thanks Steve,
    Can’t wait to see the 112 sea trial videos. The FPB’s get my vote as the best boats built in mankind’s history.

  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks Max:
    I might argue in favor of the extreme clipper ships from Donald McKay, but then they had somewhat larger crews who were probably a bit tougher than us!