FPB 97-1 Floating Free

Fpb 97 1 Iceberg floating free

FPB 97-1 Iceberg is floating free.

We will have lots more photos over the next few weeks. Of particular interest will be the sea trial data next week. Stay tuned.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 19, 2014)

19 Responses to “FPB 97-1 Floating Free”

  1. Todd A Rickard Says:

    An EPIC “shout” out to Bruce, John, and the entire Circa crew (and families) – for the role each and every one of them has played in bringing Iceberg to life.

    Well done.

    -Todd Rickard, Program Manager – FPB Yachts

  2. Scotto Says:

    here, here!
    Bravo Zulu to everyone involved.

  3. Carol Parker Says:

    Looks awesome! Rod is drooling.

  4. Michael Seng Says:

    At what point does a vessel graduate from boat to ship: physical or kinetic attributes? Again, well done team!

  5. Bessel Sybesma Says:

    Congratulations to all involved, she looks even better than the renderings promised! One question though: is the rise of the boottop towards the bow deliberate or is she floating a bit stern heavy?

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Bessel:
    She is bow light. As the FPB 97 loads for cruising she will become level as with all aft engine room FPBs.

  7. David Guest Says:

    Could be named “Awesome” because that’s what she is….

  8. James Masters Says:

    So many questions: 1- The name is obviously indicative of the owner’s intended cruising-areas, yes? 2- Is that davit in lieu of booms, or will the booms be added with the enclosing of the matrix deck? 3- Why that type of davit? 4- How many dinks/tenders will she be carrying? 5- Why the large-lockers/swim-step design? 6- Is that the exhaust-outlet near the waterline below the forefoot of the davit?

  9. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi James:
    Booms will be added next few days. The davit is done as an experiment to see if the the dinghy can be brought aboard single handed. Dinghy inventory is being worked on. Regarding the large lockers, there is lots of stuff that needs somewhere to live. And yes, the engine exhausts are on the hull sides down low.

  10. James Masters Says:

    Will the dink/tender be called “growler”…?

  11. Remi Paquette Says:

    You win

  12. Scotto Says:

    needs a cape…

  13. Neo Says:

    The davits will make a killer suspension system for a hammock. Idyllic anchorage, lower the hammock near the water. It will probably suffice for a dinghy too.

    She looks great. The extra length makes it look so much cleaner and leaner. And thank you for not using the length to cram too much and make it look like every other floating RV.

    Congrats to all involved.

  14. Shannon Says:

    I absolutely love it. I want one so bad it gives me chills looking at the finished product. Great job to everyone involved.
    It’s Amazing, stunning, majestic, classy, graceful, lavish and refined yet rugged, stout, strong and inspiring. I will name mine “Thesaurus” as soon as I can afford one.

  15. Tomop Says:

    Looks awesome!
    Steve – can we see a picture of the exterior stern arrangement and davit system?
    I’ve been contemplating options for tenders while remaining deck space aft…

  16. Steve Dashew Says:

    We will have more photos soon, Tom. Stay tuned.

  17. Steve B Says:

    A big thankyou to the owners as well for bringing this forth into the world and allowing us to dream. A piece of art for the rest of us to appreciate.

  18. Steve B Says:

    Imagination becomes reality and begets a thousand dreams…

  19. Antonio Carvalho Says:

    Simply beautiful