Wicked Stabilizer Bosses and Other Details

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The FPB 97 has enormous stabilizer mechanisms, sized for support when aground and hitting things, the loads for which are far more than hydrostatic loads. The over strength mechanism, however, is of no value, and in fact can damage the boat, if it is not properly reinforced. 

That is where this enormous stabilizer boss comes into play.

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These fin mechanisms are used on yachts as large as 60 meters, weighing four times as much as the FPB 97, so you know the loads are going to be huge.

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The engine room framing is almost completed, which means plating will be starting before long.

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The cabinet shop is now into the guest suites, one of which is shown here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 27, 2013)

4 Responses to “Wicked Stabilizer Bosses and Other Details”

  1. Kevin Costello Says:

    I know I’ve asked this before, but have you thought of incorporating any of the gyro solutions out there? When running, no problems with the power requirements. At anchor you have the flopper stoppers and a huge solar array. I would love to see fuel burn numbers without the drag of the fins. Just tinkering in my mind! Keep the pics coming as fast as you can. Love to see the birth process.

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    The gyro stabilizers do not work well in as wide a range of conditions as we require, nor do they generate sufficient power. Add in the costs of overhauls in a relatively short TBO for a serious long distance cruising yacht, and they are also expensive. We wish it were otherwise as we’d love to be rid of the stabilizer fins and associated hydraulics. Re the foil drag, about 5% in smooth water, maybe 7% when active.

  3. Ron Says:

    hi setsailers! these photos are great…what i see is craft art…maybe you should hold a craft art show!!might scare the compition off lol..after studing these and other photos on your site it dawned on me i have never seen (heard) what the lumber is you use in the overheads…dont think so but it looks like a very good grade of pine just wondering, thanks for being allowed to share in this project ron

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Timber for headliner panel framing is something light and strong.