Of the ten FPBs currently afloat, nine are actively cruising, taking advantage of their seagoing speed, range, and comfort, actually doing it…right. We enjoy hearing from our family, keeping up with where they are and what is going on. This week, for example, Iron Lady, in the lead photo, is starting to cruise British Columbia. She has just come 2300NM from Hawaii.
Pete and Deb Rossin were joined for dinner by Bill Henry, single-handing Sarah Sarah.
The much traveled Avatar will soon join these FPB 64s cruising British Columbia and Alaska.
Grey Wolf’s crew has toured Bermuda, cleaned the bottom and polished the prop, loaded fuel, changed their oil, and are now a third of the way to the Azores. They are enjoying a Force 8 southwesterly gale, and have submitted a potential FPB 64 class speed record of 19.3 knots. However, the FIFPB (Federation Internationale Stupri Imperii Cymba) has rejected the claim, since the current record stands at 19.4 knots.
In the South Pacific, Stedem Wood aboard Atlantis is exploring the Solomon Islands, Val and Stan Creighton and Buffalo Nickel have had a boisterous passage to Fiji for their second season there, and Mike and Pete Chaseling aboard Orca are in Fiji as well.
Sandy and John Henrichs have Tiger loaded with fuel and now off to Fiji from New Zealand to join the party.
Seven of the nine FPBs operate without professional crew, and none have been shipped on a freighter to get them where they want to go. FPBs, doing it right.
December 6th, 2014 at 10:59 pm
hello to all you FB7’s from Harbour Vista in Whangarei Harbour.We have watched you all sail by and played host to Val and Stan in our accommodation and today as we saw them trailing what looks like a bigger FB9 maybe thought wonder where you all are this Dec 2014.Enjoyed reading your July whereabouts.Thanks
Murray and Jenny