Happy Anniversary FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah!

SarahSarahRecently, owner Sue Henry put together an “anniversary” video of photos, highlighting her and husband Bill’s first three years aboard FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah.

 She was kind enough to let us share it with you. We’ve enjoyed it enormously!

Posted by admin  (October 16, 2013)

3 Responses to “Happy Anniversary FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah!”

  1. Rod Manser Says:

    Beautiful and stunning shots in this compilation.

    Thank you.

  2. Mike Says:

    I like the red bottom paint. It’s a nice touch.

  3. Roger Hagan Says:

    Thanks for posting this. We had the good fortune to see Sarah Sarah! pull into the marina here in Port Townsend. Bill was kind enough to invite us aboard for a tour. Needless to say we were stunned! Thanks so much for the tour and info, Bill. Take care.