Having arrived back to the Seattle office a couple weeks ago, I now have a little time to sort through 100s of photos and share a few with you from my recent adventures aboard FPB 64-3 Iron Lady…
A beautiful tuna and fresh Sashimi for our evening meal.
Stampede of flying fish.
Crossing the equator!
Swimming in 4500 Meters of water at 86°F. It felt like jumping into a warm, salty soup.
Christmas Island arrival.
Christmas Island housing development.
Fancy grocery store.
Beer really is good for you!
The marked channel entrance to Palmyra Atoll.
Palmyra Yacht Club.
Captain Steve and I exploring the famous plane wreck on Palmyra.
The locals were most friendly..
Iron Lady blends in well with her surroundings.
Palmyra has some of the most amazing coral I have ever seen. My feeble attempts to capture its magnificence don’t do it justice.
Finally some seas on the nose while underway to Hawaii!
Arrival in Hawaii.
In my next post, I’ll share some slightly more technical FLIR images from varied readings.