Having grown up in Southern California, with a sailing and surfing background, riding the waves a natural part of being in or on the water. Our sailing and FPB designs have reflected this from the beginning. Recently we were surprised to learn that some of our owners are afraid of what is actually. one of the best things you can do with our yachts. Read the rest »
FPB 64 Videos
A series of videos made aboard FPB 64s.
FPB Video: The Way
A new video in which we reveal the secrets behind all those ocean-crossing miles… Read the rest »
FPB 97 and FPB 64 Drone Video
Great aerial drone footage of FPB 97 and FPB 64 anchored together in New Zealand.
Survival Storm Tactic Tested Off The Needles In Breaking Seas: Updated With Video
The ultimate survival storm tactic, jogging into breaking seas, has had its first (and hopefully last) FPB test. This took place recently off the Needles near the Isle of Wight in the UK’s Solent. Read the rest »
Happy Anniversary FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah!
Recently, owner Sue Henry put together an “anniversary” video of photos, highlighting her and husband Bill’s first three years aboard FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah. Read the rest »
FPB 64-7 Video: First Day Aboard-Close Quarters Maneuvering
Come on board with Stan and Valerie Creighton as they get acquainted with FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel during their first day of close quarters maneuvering. Read the rest »
Open House With A Blow
The excitement of sea trials and open house is over and we are back in Arizona with a load of photos and video to process. Read the rest »
First Passage: FPB 64 Iron Lady Surfing to Tonga in a Gale
With a bit of offshore experience under your belt, and the right yacht, preparing for and executing ocean crossings becomes routine. You will get to the point where you will decide to go on Monday, spend the next couple days provisioning, and be gone by Thursday. But the first time you head for the horizon, there’s going to be some trepidation. It happens with everyone.
FPB 64 – Going Smoothly
While our usual fair is more extreme weather than this video depicts, there are some lessons for us here as well, not the least of which is the efficiency at work you are about to watch on your computer screen. The video was shot by Brian Rickard on a recent cruise with the Henrys aboard the FPB 64 Sarah Sarah, in British Columbia.
Sarah Sarah has a full payload of the Henry’s gear aboard and half tanks. She weighs around 80,000 pounds / 36,000kg, and is running at nine knots through the water (net of current). This is a speed length ratio of 1.15, on the low side of where the FPB 64s normally operate in smooth water.
Analysis Of Headsea Encounters
We are in the habit of dissecting video of our yachts to study their action and reaction in various wave trains. There are a variety of video editing packages which facilitate this (these days we use Final Cut Pro). Slowing down and/or stopping action, and occasionally speeding things up, often tease out details that are missed by those onboard (ourselves included).
FPB 64-3 Video #3 and #4 – More Play In A Gale
While the Arizona Wildcats were thrashing Duke in basketball, we were out in the remnants of another New Zealand gale with Iron Lady. For company there were eighteen visitors from around the world (three parties of six). It had been blowing from the east for two days, so as you might imagine, the combination of shoaling bottom, reflected waves, and river mouth currents made for an interesting mix.
Iron Lady Sea Trial Video #2
While we were busy marveling at how well Iron Lady handled the previously mentioned vigorous sea state, her owner, Pete Rossin, shot a couple of minutes of video.
FPB 64 & 83 Upwind Comparison Video
Last spring we started work on a video comparing the upwind motion of the FPB 64 and the FPB 83.
FPB 64-1 Avatar Sea Trials
Join us for sea trials aboard the FB 64 Avatar.
FPB 64-2, Sarah Sarah, New Zealand to Neah Bay
This video was taken at various times between New Zealand and Neah Bay, Washington, aboard the FPB 64 Sarah Sarah. It shows the worst of the conditions encountered and how Sarah Sarah dealt with them.