FPB 64-3 Iron Lady is underway for Hawaii on the last leg of their journey. Mark Fritzer writes about an amazing fish story and further testing of the charging system.
Living The Dream
Strong Kiwi Showing In San Francisco
This past weekend found me in San Francisco – courtesy of our builder Circa Marine of Whangarei, New Zealand – to witness the Kiwis’ very successful sail into the America’s Cup, with a dominant performance against the Italians in the Challengers Louis Vuitton Cup. Read the rest »
Iron Lady Reporting From Palmyra
Mark Fritzer reports in from Palmyra, and brings us up to date on wonderful snorkeling and further experimentation with the high powered DC charging system. With comments on navigating with active SONAR in the tropics:
Crossing The North Pacific Hurricane Belt – The Tradeoffs
Crossing oceans often leads to compromise between weather, risk, comfort, and what might or mightn’t occur. An example of this was recently faced by the crew of FPB 64-3 Iron Lady. In this post we will look at issues involved, including hurricane avoidance tactics.
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady: Parked In Palmyra
The crew of Iron Lady, bellies still full of fresh Yellowfin tuna, have dropped anchor in Palmyra Atoll. Mark Fritzer reports: Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady Bound For Palmyra In The Line Islands
Having consulted the weather gods (Rick Shema), and with various mortals, the good ship Iron Lady is bound for Palmyra Island. Mark Fritzer continues his narrative, with interesting fuel burn data at various speeds and RPMs coupled with varying electrical loads.
FPB 64-3 On Passage – It’s An Early Christmas (Island)
Having now been at sea for five days ,the crew of FPB 64-3 have raised their first Line Island, and determined to make it Christmas, even if it is still August. Mark Fritzer continues his reporting:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 4
On their fourth day at sea, the crew of FPB 64-3 Iron Lady use the aft deck sink to determine if they have crossed the Equator. Mark Fritzer continues his testing and analysis, and reports the results:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 3
Three days into their passage and FPB 64-3 is 750 miles down the track. Mark Fitzer continues his reports:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 2
Two days at sea, 480 nautical miles behind them, FPB 64-3 is half way to the equator, and Mark Fritzer continues his reporting:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 1
Mark Fritzer continues his reporting from Iron Lady after their first day at sea:
Passage Posts – FPB 64-3 En Route From Nuku Hiva
The following report was sent in by Mark Fritzer of the FPB team, who is crewing aboard FPB 64-3 Iron Lady. They have just departed from Nuka Hiva in the Marquesas Islands, bound for Hawaii via the Line Islands. Read the rest »
America’s Cup Challenger Finals – Clearing the Fog, Or: What To Watch
The 2013 America’s Cup challenger finals begin Saturday. Here are a couple of things to watch in what is sure to be the most exciting sailing any of us have ever witnessed.
FPB Cruising Plans – Out There Doing It
Our thought has always been that the best indicator of success in the marine business is not units sold, or boat show pizzazz, but rather how your boats are being used. Are they sitting in marinas or out there racking up the miles, treating their owners to the world of new experiences that lay beyond the horizon?
Rocky Mountain High – Or, What To Do When You Really Want To Be Afloat
Your SetSail reporter is just back from a week in the mountains, learning about photography from two of the best, all in preparation for when FPB 78-1 goes in the water in 2015. Read the rest »
The Monsoons Are Here
The summer monsoon has arrived in Arizona and we are being treated to some of Mother Nature’s finest work. Read the rest »
Flying Toward The Future
We’ve had one of those rare life altering moments, a point in time after which you know nothing will be the same. Having started messing with multi-hulls in the really olden days Read the rest »
Concern For Missing Schooner Nina – Posted By Sarah
We have recently learned that the 85 year-old wooden Schooner Nina has gone missing at sea, after leaving New Zealand for Australia May 29. We are deeply concerned for all aboard. Read the rest »
SetSail Has Dropped Anchor In Facebook Harbor! (Posted by Sarah)
We are excited to announce that we have joined the Social Media fray. SetSail can now be found happily anchored on Facebook and Twitter. Come find us, like us and follow us as we explore these new waters: Facebook.com and Twitter.com. We look forward to seeing you out there!
FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel, New Zealand to Fiji (Posted by Sarah)
I had the distinct pleasure of spending some time with Valerie and Stan Creighton as they became acquainted with their new baby back in March. Fast forward to June and they’ve just completed an adventurous passage from New Zealand to Fiji. Read the rest »
Report on the Capsize and Sinking of Motoryacht Yogi
Last year the new super yacht, Yogi, lost power while on passage, turned beam to the seas, capsized in moderate conditions, and eventually sank. There was all sorts of speculation at the time about causes. Now the official report is out. It makes interesting reading both for what it does and doesn’t say.
Cruising Season of Renewal
It is the season of renewal, for those afloat and others afflicted with landed status. In the South Pacific there are two FPB 64s about to depart for points north and a third already heading west, with a fourth now in the Islands. The SetSail contingent? Stuck in Arizona viewing from afar, and… Read the rest »
2013 Hurricane Season Forecasts
The Northern Hemisphere summer is nearly here, and with it the hurricane season. With the FPB fleet getting ready to depart New Zealand for points North, and one of the boats thinking about winding up in Hawaii or California, we have been looking at the long range weather forecasts.
Stanley Dashew: 1916-2013 – Posted by Sarah
Two weeks ago, at the tender age of 96, my grandfather sailed off into the sunset and on to his next great adventure. One can only assume the sails were trimmed perfectly. Read the rest »
Plating Models – How We Used to Do It
We’ve been gradually reorganizing our offices, and in the process trying to figure out what to do with out hull models. This plating model was in hand yesterday, and we got to thinking it might be of interest for the secrets it reveals.
A Long Interlude – Back On The Bay – Updated
The Deerfoot 74, Interlude, is back on San Francisco Bay. Katie and Kurt Braun have seen 55,495 miles slip quietly under their keel since acquiring Interlude in Fort Lauderdale in April of 2000.
FPB 64-7 Video: First Day Aboard-Close Quarters Maneuvering
Come on board with Stan and Valerie Creighton as they get acquainted with FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel during their first day of close quarters maneuvering. Read the rest »
Super Deal On Favorite Photo Filters
For those interested in photography and who use Lightroom, Photoshop, or Aperture, our favorite filter set is on sale. You can buy the complete NIK collection for just US $149.00. We paid four times this price. Read the rest »
Seeing The Light
We’ve been working with 3D supremo Ryan Wynott now for an intense year and a half, yet we’ve never met. So with a demanding schedule and tasks at hand requiring the closest collaboration, Ryan left his Canadian winter sanctuary for an arduous trip to the Sonoran desert, where we are presently moored. Read the rest »
The Sun Sets On This Trip – Posted By Sarah
After a very busy week in Whangarei, Todd and I were treated to a home-cooked meal and a walk on the beach yesterday evening.
If It’s Thursday, It Must Be Time To Dock – Posted By Sarah
Yesterday Todd took Buffalo Nickel‘s owners over to Marsden Cove for some close quarter maneuvering drills. The day was a success. Read the rest »
Buffalo Nickels Everywhere – Posted By Sarah
Todd and I landed in Whangarei yesterday morning – where we were greeted by FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel‘s proud new owners, Stan and Valerie Creighton. Read the rest »
LA Story – A Silver Lining To Every Cloud
Having grown weary with and needing a break from a long and arduous design cycle, a meeting of the executive committee was called and a weekend away to clear cobwebs was deemed prudent. In olden days this would have indicated a sojourn afloat to a bucolic hideaway known to a relatively few enthusiasts, say Catalina Island. Presently bereft of personal watercraft, Read the rest »
Singing For My Supper – Posted by Sarah
Some of you know that I’ve been swimming through the seas of the music world for quite a while. Blame my parents for bringing me up on a boat with lots of great music: Janis Joplin, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder…Today I’m proud to say I’ve just added a new album to their collection. Read the rest »
Snow Job – Maybe The Next Ice Age Is Just Around the Corner
Are you caught up in the global warming debate? There is another theory, less-talked-about, that suggests we could soon be entering an ice age. Glacial ice core samples show that the onset of cooler weather may happen quickly. Consider this alternative, starting with the photo above. And those which follow.
Meanwhile, Back In The Sonoran Desert
Being without a boat to think, dream, and plan about is a condition we try to avoid. But since this is the current state of affairs, we’ve been hard at work on all things FPB, Read the rest »
Noel and Litara Barrott – An Iron Crew In A (Remarkable) Wood Ship
One of the lessons we learned early in our cruising careers is that it is the people – land based, and cruisers – rather than the places, which make this lifestyle so wonderful. This post is about a special couple who are the modern definition of iron crews in wooden ships, and their remarkable yacht, Sina, shown above in a storm off Cape Horn.
FPB 64-5: A Real Tiger
Sandy and John Henrichs, the owners of FPB 64-5 Tiger, are experienced cruisers who have filled their FPB 64 with interesting details, a few of which you will see here.
Wicked Scale – Or, The Old And The New
Even after all the hours spent working with the Wicked FPB 97 to date, we were not prepared for the scale impact when viewing 97-1 in person. Helping us adjust to this new sense Read the rest »
A New Look
We’ve been wrestling with how to make SetSail more user friendly for both longtime SetSailors and newcomers. Sarah, our technical Guru (amongst other duties), has been working with this for the past year. The new look is the result of those labors. We are not yet ready to share, but the new year will bring new exciting FPB developments with application Read the rest »
It Is America’s Cup Season and Time To Ogle
Your SetSail team will be reporting next week from Down Under. If we find ourselves with spare time we’ll see if we can get a look at the 72s trialing on Auckland harbor. This America’s Cup promises to be the most interesting ever. Read the rest »
Is Your EPIRB Properly Registered?
In order for search and rescue authorities to respond in a timely fashion your EPIRB(s) must be correctly registered Read the rest »
New Year’s Resolution – Don’t Give Up The Dream
We’ve been inundated with year end paperwork Read the rest »
December 24th – UFO and Almost Full Moon
Ian Beveridge shot this image a few hours ago Read the rest »
Time For Reflection
We’ve always looked upon the holidays as a time for reflection. Read the rest »
All I Want For Christmas Is A Screensaver – Posted By Sarah
As the holidays approach (Hannukah ended last night for those of you lucky enough to get eight nights of presents!) Read the rest »
Gulf Stream Post Script
After sending off the post last night, the sea state became even more contumacious. Read the rest »
Greetings From The Gulf Stream
With all this boat building on SetSail recently, and before that bucolic cruising in Maine and down the IntraCoasal Waterway, you may get the impression that we have become soft in our old age. Read the rest »
Owner Blogs: Pete Rossin’s Take On VPNs – Posted By Sarah
Pete and Debby Rossin own FPB 64 Iron Lady, and write a very interesting blog about their travels and goings-on. Read the rest »
Thanksgiving And A Few Reflections
We are headed out to have Thanksgiving with the family in Atwater Village, California. Read the rest »
Hurricane Sandy – Live Data From Wind Horse Using Maretron’s N2K View
We’ve put together a live web view of Wind Horse‘s “vital stats”, to track how she is doing as Hurricane Sandy passes by while she is hauled out at Triton Marine in Beaufort, North Carolina. This data comes from the Maretron N2K View system via their Cloud Server.
Cruising Life Along the ICW – A Path For The Unwilling, Or World Class Cruising?
Many of the yachts traversing the ICW use it as a hide out from the vagaries of ocean passaging. Read the rest »
N2K View From 35,000 Feet – Or, Maretron Cloud Remote Monitoring Is The Answer
As reported earlier, we have been using Maretron’s N2K View aboard Wind Horse to get up to speed on this product, which may be seeing more sophisticated implementation in the FPB fleet. Read the rest »
Keeping An Eagle Eye On The Weather – Dark Clouds Sometimes Come With Silver Linings
When we see frontal clouds like this it gets us to thinking. Read the rest »
Windjammer End Of The Season Jamboree
We had a heads up this morning that the end of the season Windjammer Jamboree, a get-together of all the working sailing vessels in the area Read the rest »
Lady B – Ed Dubois Gets It Right
We’ve known Ed Dubois for a long time, since before he made his name with early mega sailboats like Aquel, Read the rest »
Sunday Morning Sights
Last night it was blowing a gale, raining of course, and we moved to the southern (windward) end of Rockland Harbor. Read the rest »
Time Machine
We have just had the most amazing four months of cruising. (This post was written in 2008, after voyaging from California to the UK.) Read the rest »