Welcome to the FPB pages! Following is a list of articles illustrating our inspiration, specific design parameters, and history leading up to the FPB era. We suggest you go down the list and read the articles in order for the fullest orientation.
“…One of the coolest boats I have had the pleasure to spend time on. It is a radical design to some, but its features really expand and address alternatives to traditional boat design. It has inherent stability, but also has fin stabilizers and flopper-stoppers. It is a terrific sea boat, but is also a nice home for living aboard. In many ways it is a return to boat designs of the early part of the last century, with a long and lean hull. But it is also a pinnacle of technology within the caveat of maintaining self-sufficiency…”
–Bill Parlatore, Passagemaker Magazine
Why FPB? The Concept Explained
Why FPB? Owners Answer the question
The Black Swan Theory of Cruising
FPB Design Objectives
“Against the Wind…With his new powerboat design, world cruiser Steve Dashew continues a lifelong pattern of challenging the status quo.”
–Soundings Magazine
Evaluating Capsize and Stability Risks for Yachts
FPB 64 Vs. Reef – Are the Factors of Safety Sufficient?
Aesthetics–Form Does Follow Function
Hull Shape–Displacement and Boat Speed
Seagoing Ergonomics–the Design Baseline
Speed, Motion and Matrimonial Harmony
Fuel Burn, Range and Margin for Error
For more information on the FPB Series, e-mail Sue Grant: Sue.Grant@Berthon.Co.UK.