The following short video shows us testing FPB 78-1 Cochise in different rpm configurations. Read the rest »
The Logs
The Logs
FPB 78 Video: Quiet-As Cochise
The already quiet FPB 78 is now almost silent in powerboat terms, with some exhaust system refinements. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Cochise Interior: First Look
The time has come to invite you aboard Cochise. Read the rest »
FPB 64-11 DreamTime and a Few Days Off From FPB 78-1 Sea Trials
We’ve had a few days testing Cochise on our own, hanging out in the Bay of Islands. We’ve had FPB 64-11 for company part of the time,
FPB 78-1 Video: The Ultimate Surfboard? Watch and Find Out
The video you are about to watch represents a seminal moment in the design arc of the FPB world. The last two minutes take place in some of the most difficult steering conditions we have ever seen in 40+ years of cruising, and are an extreme test for the design philosophy that is the foundation for this new generation of FPBs. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Sea Trial Video: Cochise Surfing Like A Pro
Cochise had a chance to test surfing skills Sunday, down near Auckland… Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Trials: First BBQ, 3.1416, And Other Items
FPB 78-1 Cochise stern to stern with FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Cochise: Preliminary Wave Analysis
A quick couple of photos of Cochise at cruise, taken from FPB 64-11 (both FPBs are undergoing sea trials). Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Sea Trials: Dinghy Launch – posted by Sarah
I’ve arrived in wintery Whangarei to take part in sea trials with Cochise. With guests on hand and a beautiful, cool day, we headed out in the bay to drop anchor and test the dinghy launch system. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1: First Sea Trial
It is a little over a week since Cochise splashed and we are on our first sea trial. As the engines are new and in their break-in period, we are running a little harder than normal. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Cochise: Electronics Peek
Deon Ogden and Dave Minors at the Matrix con of FPB 78-1. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1: Dock Trials Report
Dock trials are always a testing period for the build boat crew and designers. There will be a list of things that take time to sort out, a few items that don’t work as advertised… Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Free At Last!
FPB 78-1 Cochise is roaming free–at last. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Cochise: Launched In A Gale – And In Its Element
Wednesday, June 8, 2016: the wind is blowing 25 to 30 knots gusting into the 40s, with intermittent rain squalls. Those who know the history of the Chirakowa Apache chief after whom FPB 78-1 is named would say, “Perfect.” Read the rest »
Dashew Offshore History: Lessons Learned
Our family cruising photo taken in the Bora Bora lagoon in 1977. Note the banana stalk hanging off the mizzen boom, and trim physiques of the group! We’d been relaxing for a few days, chilling, reading, swimming, and for the first time since leaving California nine months previous not working on boat on maintenance projects. Those were the days.. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1: We Are Having A Blast (And Other Details)
There is a hint in this photo that the day of reckoning draws near. Read the rest »
Pushing That Magic Button: FPB 70-1 Is Under Construction
Having just completed a 6,200 nautical mile voyage from Thailand to New Zealand in 27 days underway on their FPB 64 Buffalo Nickel (much of that uphill), you might think that Val and Stan Creighton would like a short break from thinking about boats. Read the rest »
Going to Sea? Download For Free..
For decades, Linda and Steve Dashew’s books have been considered essential references for any serious cruiser. Having been blessed with the support of the yachting community for many years, they’d like to return the favor. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1: A Bright Outlook
With an anchored wingspan of 60’/18m boom end to boom end… Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Update: Wrestling With Art
Now we get to the hard part, choosing art work and photographs for the many surfaces aboard Cochise. Read the rest »
Sony Mirrorless Cameras – Getting Better
We’ve been testing the Sony 6300 mirrorless camera with Canon lenses, and we have been pleased with results we are getting. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Monitoring The Situation: Update – A Great Monitor Find
In the process of wrestling with monitor tradeoffs, we have come across a great new monitor.
FPB 78-1: Workshop And Swim Step Bulk Storage And Structure
When you design a structural system, there are many considerations, among which is storage. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Forepeak: Boatbuilders’ Art
As FPB 78-1 nears completion, it is becoming easier to see the art form of which the Circa team are capable. Read the rest »
FPB 78 – Strutting Our Stuff
Today was fun. Surrounded with coils of rope, boxes of rigging hardware, just like when we used to set up our sailing designs. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Final Details: A Seat At The Table And Elsewhere
Your correspondent checking the helm chair position.
Does Size Matter In Navigation Monitors?
One of the reasons we decided to go with Simrad for our electronics was their ability to be used with a variety of monitors. This afternoon, we got a first taste of some of the options available. Read the rest »
Reflections – Sometimes You Just Have to Let It Sink In
There comes a time when it hits you, when the pieces fall together, when it feels right, and you know it has all been worth it. Read the rest »
Last Pieces Of The Puzzle That Makes Up A New FPB
Off to New Zealand today for a quick trip. Read the rest »
The Right Recipe: Where Do You Find It?
©Stan & Valerie Creighton: Fulaga, Fiji
When your voyaging takes you off the beaten path, where shore power and technical assistance is a rarity, the ingredients required for successful cruising change.
Propping Up The FPB Concept
When it comes to naval vessels, and in particular submarines, enormous importance–and secrecy–is placed on their prop designs. It is not an exaggeration to say that in some parts of the world, a photo like this, if based in reality, could lead to the severest of penalties.
Expanding Space With Art
You can expand your visual interior space and add interest by adding art to vertical surfaces. We’re selecting art now for FPB 78-1, looking through some of our photos from the olden days for ideas, and thought this might be of interest. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Battery Bank And Charging Details
It is a law in the yacht building universe that the sparkies (electricians) are always the last ones off the boat. And with the DC system now almost complete, we can see the light at the end of the long building cycle tunnel. We thought this might be a good time to go through the DC battery bank and related circuits. Read the rest »
Cruising Decisions – Sometimes Spontaneity Is The Key
Many cruising decisions are based on a detailed decision making matrix. Others are based on a spontaneous decision. The latter often make for the most interesting experiences. Read the rest »
Dashew Offshore History – How the Swim Step Came To Be
The Dashew Offshore swim step, shown above in its highest evolutionary form on the FPB 97 Iceberg, started out much more modestly. Read the rest »
Closing The Store
Thanks to all who ordered the remaining physical copies of the Dashews’ cruising books, we are now officially sold out and closing down the SetSail store. You can download Surviving the Storm and Mariner’s Weather Handbook for free, and stay tuned for PDF copies of Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and Practical Seamanship!
FPB Owner Blogs – Adventures of Avatar
From time to time we like to feature owner blogs here on SetSail. Returning readers will no doubt be familiar with the stunning photography and narrative style of FPB 64-1 Avatar owner Carol Parker. Read the rest »
Dashew Offshore History – Fast Is Fun
Beowulf leaving Norfolk, VA on her way to the BVI at the start of the 2001 Caribbean 1500. Read the rest »
FPB 78 – The Concept Evolves
The design process for us has always been an evolutionary spiral. As we get further into the project, as the pieces begin to come together, we almost always discover hidden gems that, when teased into reality, help to make a better product. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Last Details: Quick Visit
Creating, fine tuning, and testing yachts intended for serious cruising is demanding, intense work–as you can see above. Read the rest »
Dashew Offshore: A Bit Of History Part 2 – The Big Roach Cruising Main
You are looking at a huge mistake: a new mainsail that did not fit, with too much roach. Read the rest »
Dashew Offshore – A Bit Of History Part 1
Innismara, the yacht that started us thinking so many years ago… Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Has Sole
With the annual holiday shutdown at Circa comes a massive cleanup of the work in progress… Read the rest »
Re-Thinking FPB Prop Design
You are looking at one of the two ZF propellers for FPB 78-1. Very high aspect ratio blades with relative low blade area. But maybe this isn’t the optimum. Read the rest »
Once In A Blue Moon Deal – Updated 12/7/2015
We offered SetSailors this special Once in a Blue Moon Deal earlier this year. As the holidays approach, our inventory is almost sold out. With just a few hundred copies left, the sale continues … Read the rest »
FPB 78 -Thanksgiving 2015
We’ve been gently reminded that new content has been lacking – our feeble excuse is that we have been swamped. As it is Thanksgiving weekend and we have much for which to be thankful, a pause for a brief update on the FPB 78-1, starting with a couple on interior photos. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Custom Jewelry
You are looking at as lovely a piece of yachting jewelry as has ever been afloat. The creation of Circa’s Read the rest »
FPB 78 Dream Team Part One
We’ve been blessed over the years with the good fortune to work with many great owners and marine professionals, and with the FPB 78 design and build cycle this has continued in a unique manner. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Update: Putting Things In Perspective – Maintenance, Storage, And Lots Of Details
A quick report from New Zealand, starting with what is at the top of our list for successful cruising. Read the rest »
The Best Thing About Cruising, Old Friends, And A Few Days In Fiji
There are many wonderful things about the cruising lifestyle. But the one we love the most is
Sony Full Frame Mirrorless Cameras: We Continue To Be Amazed
The new Sony A7R2 42 MP camera body is truly a breakthrough. There is nothing remotely close to its capabilities of which we are aware. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Update: Anchored In Reality
We have been accused in the past of being obsessive about our ground tackle systems, to which we contentedly plead guilty.
FPB 78 – Making The Hard Stuff Easy
We discovered long ago that a key part to agreeable yacht ownership is systems efficiency and access. The FPB 78 takes us closer to perfection in this regard than ever before. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Exterior Renders Updated
Following are a series of helicopter and then dinghy level renders of FPB 78-1. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Update: We’ve Got Sole (in the engine room)
We’ve got sole in the engine room, and it is ever so cool and functional. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Aft Deck Evolution And Final Design
The aft end of the FPB 78 has gone through a design evolution, a benefit of the 3D design process and working with two very experienced owners. Read the rest »
Pam Wall: Welcome to the FPB Family
The universe of circumnavigators is a small world. It’s not unusual to meet somebody in an anchorage or a far-off port, spend a few days together, form a strong bond borne of common interests, meet up again years later, and pick up right where you left off. Read the rest »
FPB Resale Value: The Brokerage Market & Berthon Int’l
In the fall of 2008, having visited Greenland and Ireland, we were looking for a place to store FPB 83 Wind Horse for the winter. Several of our cruising friends recommended that we talk to Berthon in Lymington, UK, and we ended up leaving her in their very capable care. Read the rest »
Wicked FPB 97 Ups Her Smooth Water Record: A Few Thoughts On Props, Froude Numbers, And What Is Coming Soon
Iceberg has just tried out her new propellers, this time without “interceptor” strips, and she has pushed her smooth water maximum speed to 15.0672 knots, Read the rest »
Plumbing the Depths, Or Not, With FPB 78-1
You are looking at a sea-change in the way we do raw water for the engines. Read the rest »
Featured Video: The Journeys of FPB 64 Iron Lady
Pete Rossin has recently posted a beautiful video on YouTube.
FPB 64 Sarah Sarah Anchored In Lituya Bay, Alaska And A New Slide Show By Sue Henry
Sue Henry sent us this lovely photo of Sarah Sarah anchored in Lituya Bay, the location of the highest tidal wave in recorded history. How does 1720 feet sound? Read the rest »
FPB 78-1: Critical Phase Visit Last Day
With a project as massive and complex as the FPB 78, there are times when we ask ourselves why we are still doing this. After all, we could have been cruising on Wind Horse these past three years. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Plumbing Refinements: Being Ready To Switch Course
Modern yachts are amazingly complex, with numerous interrelated and conflicting requirements. Read the rest »
FPB 78-1: Workshop, Steering and Fuel Details
Is this crew quarters, lazarette, engine room, or workshop? For us it might be considered all or some of the preceding. Right now it is going to be the workshop we always dreamed of having, Read the rest »
FPB 78-1 Critical Phase Visit
There comes a time during the building of the first of a series when it becomes critical to have a look and detailed consultation with the various trades involved in the construction process. That time is now, and although we have a long list of discussions over the next three days, we will try to file a brief report daily. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Engine Room Coming Into Focus
Last week the engines were dropped onto their beds for the final time, and it now becomes possible to get a sense for how well this layout is going to work. Read the rest »
Soundings Magazine Interview and Slide Show on Linda and Steve Dashew
The August 2015 issue of Soundings magazine has an interview with Linda and Steve and a lovely online slide show. Read the rest »
FPB 64 Grey Wolf To 80 Degrees 27 Minutes North
FPB 64 Grey Wolf has reached 80 degrees, 27 minutes north latitude, within 573 nautical miles of the North Pole!
FPB 64 Grey Wolf Nears Svalbard: Summer Cruising In The High Arctic
FPB 64 Grey Wolf is starting a summer of arctic cruising. Making a direct passage from Scotland, she is currently less than a day out from Svalbard, well inside the arctic circle at 74 degrees shown in the graphic above. Read the rest »
FPB 78: More On Systems
Reliable air conditioning, fridge operation, and water maker output depend on a clean flow of salt water. Trapping air in the plumbing, which leads to loss of flow, is a common problem due to suboptimal layout. This is the way it should be done. Read the rest »
FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel Reports From Vanuatu
Stan and Valerie Creighton have shepherded Buffalo Nickel over to Vanuatu this season, in part to lend a hand in the ongoing rescue efforts after the damage wreaked by Cyclone Pam. Read the rest »
FPB 78 Systems Update: June 15, 2015
Some of the hardest details to get right are alternator brackets. It is a question of drive belt, alignment, and structure. And these 7kW DC alternators – which can consume as much as 20 HP – are the most difficult of all. Read the rest »